Session 035: Lost Time Report

The Menagerie return from the Feywild, and lose 3 years

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Around... Fellnight 9, 2020 KC, Late Evening (☣️Feywild Time☣️)

  Corrupted Feywild near Cottage on Kampos north of the Spider Forest of the Feywild, Feywild, Skola Vale The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos   The party investigates the area.   Returns to May Greenteeth, she frees the Village of Skola Vale.   They return to the forest and the Illusion is let down, they see the Green Hag and her decrepit cottage now.   Come out of Forest at wrong part, see some Blink Dogs being chased by Displacer Beasts. Which seem to awaken something in forest - a Dracohydra and it starts lashing out.  



The Battle:

  Combat Round 01, Not LISTED THIS TIME
  Dracohydra kills a Blink Dog before initiative.   Bastion asks if everyone wants to run or fight... He moves forward a bit, still in woodline. Casts Hex, and Scorching Ray... which leads to table talk about the stupid rule on spells.   spells and bonus action
rules on Bonus Action casting time spells (PHB p.203):   Bonus Action: "A spell cast with a bonus action is especially swift. You must use a bonus action on your turn to cast the spell, provided that you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn. You can’t cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action."  
  So instead we went for the Scorching Ray at level 3 by itself. With some hits, including a crit. The curse seems to be gone and so it hits for FULL DAMAGE on the Dracohydra. 3 hits on one head and it shrivels up and falls off. It has lost a head.   Blink Dog runs up to and sees his Dead friend. It attacks and is smacked by the Dracohydra, so it blinks out towards the cliff   Dracohydra shoots multicolor energy in 60 foot cone at the creatures in front of it. Causes Fire damage, kills the first Blink Dog in front of it, burns both the Displacer Beast to near death. It crawls forward to the Displacer Beasts. Two more heads grow from the head that Bastion took out. It now has 6 heads.   Shadow casts Web on the Dracohydra and Displacer Beast. Draco is not affected, the right Displacer Beast is stuck and Restrained. The left one is fine. "are we running"? and picks up Arktos. Moves into the trees.   Displacer Beast s uses its tentacles on the Dracohydra, 2x. One hits. It runs to woodline.   Barlo steps forward a bit. "You might wanna run!" Holds run action, yells out to the Blink Dog.   Calliope uses cloak to camouflage and moves into forest towards shadow   Arktos is held by Shadow, he is scared.   Displacer Beast, stuck, tries to break out and is free. He books it to the woodline. retcon: Dracohydra reactions... So the first one actually died as all the heads attacked and the corpse continued forward. Uses one last reaction on the last one... they're both Dead. As the bites hit their effects also is applied.   Sas Runs   Bastion sends Princess towards Dracohydra... to lead it away. Screech. Bastion runs.   Blink Dog doesn't get its Blink so it runs.   Dracohydra one of the heads grabs the Displacer Beast in front, then moves to the other Displacer Beast.   The party runs off... Pass Without Trace by Shadow.  
☠️ The party killed nothing.

t Combat XP: 5,000 (1,000 Each) | Total: 28,320 (Goal: 34,000 t **Included in Final Milestone of Session**
  Death & Devastation so the party retreats into the forest and the monstrosity is more interested in the meat than the group.   They find their way out to the exit of the forest and they quickly find their way back to the Village of Skola Vale.  

Lowsun 3, 2023KC

  They exit. Some discussions as Barlo has, once again forgotten his time in the Feywild.   The Elder of the Dawngreets finds the party, alerts them to the lost 3 years. Shows the statue. Notifies them of a property they are allowed to secure if they clear it of dangers. The Adventurer Class Airship of the Vale, v.2 is done, but something seems to be awry.   She had two assistants, a Fairy named Apple Cedarfrost, and two individuals that did not get named yet, a Half-Orc and a Gnome.   Names of the two   Questions about the past, and about Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast which then is broken up as Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast and Deodara show up accusing Apple Cedarfrost of being the one who kidnapped her and took her to the Meenlocks.   After the reentry to the Material Material Plane, there was strange static -- especially for Bastion. It is believed to be old "message" spells that "expired" or something.   There were messages for the group though:   Please try to not read others' letters until you have proper in-game access   Barlo's Letters   Bastion's Letters   Calliope's Letters   Sas's Letters   Shadow's Letters   ...  

t Milestone Experience: 6680 Each | Total: 34000 (Next Goal: 34,000) t t Group Levels up to Level 8 t
**Left in Village of Skola Vale -- about to head to River's Keep **

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The party is able to return to May Greenteeth and the "curse" is fully lifted. Now they return to the Village and find they have just lost 3 years in the exit, but the portals with the Vale are now working. So that shouldn't happen again if they enter and exit the Feywild through the village.
Area Map | Kampos (Simple & Color)
Kampos, much of the land is not fully explored and that which has been exploited has been settled by the more anthropomorphic species of Dierde.
City Map | Village of Skola Vale
Just referred to as the Village of Skola Vale, or even Skola Vale it is the village in this wide green valley. This vale exists both in the Feywild and the Material Plane in The Dark Rain Forest on Kampos.

Session 35: Lost Time Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
30 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie