Session 70: Exploding Fire Skeletons


17/10 7:00
17/10 18:00

  The Wild Cards return to Dierde and finish exploring the Floaitng keep

Wild Cards


Redfall 17, 2023 KC, sunrise

  Floating Keep of Tharros Near Outding   Recap
A species of creatures has long been Dead and someone was erasing knowledge of it from all sources.  
  The players choose their Mark of the Adventurer bonuses.   They realize it is early morning and they've been awake for almost 24 hours. They head to the ship, WIP: Amalgam needs to see WIP: Gearlock.   They see an "outhouse" to the side of the road, and board the ship and the Drow Night Captain, NTO She notifies the party that Garm Pavond attacked Yggdra in her Sleep, cutting of her hand and then leaping overboard.   fall damage table talk
  fall damage homebrew  
  This is the hand of an apprentice to Venca from this realm who had some safeguard to bring him back should he die.   Discussion of plans. The gnomes have set up a little building on the island, and still plan to stay here. They learn his weapon was a rapier of "light" that cautarized the cut as it cut off her hand. There was some damage on the ship as the Dragonborn breathed fire on him.   Bastion suggests they go after him. No one knows where he is or where to start. They know they have a deliver to do and if the two adventurers plan to learn more about garm at Thornwinds.   a bit of tabletalk about Relia & Garm Pavond. When Relia apologized, She had said she doesn't trust him and should not get the Spelljamming Helm. Ashla hunting down Bogan.   Bastion wanted to send a Message to Remington. But that seemed to be overlooked...     Barlo takes Amalgam to Gearlock. Barlo clears his stuff off the "mannequin". The orb is insterted, then twisted a few clicks clockwise and locks in place. Vibrations inside that quickly go slient. His eyes open and he awakes, as he is about to pull for a weapon he sees Amalgam. They say it has been some time, he is made aware he is in a different realm. Then the dog comes in. pets it. The flying creature comes in and has a whisper conversation with Gearlock, then flies off.   Barlo asks where they are going and suggests having a discussion in hall where others are. Amalgam says that they want to understand why both these realms have Dragon Prophecies. They seek a secret library at the north pole according to Bast. A network of librarians collect copies of all Books they can and have many authors who create Books for this library. They have a pass if they can get there.   They have a glyphstone and Wish that the automotans to let them know what they find as well as if they know about the hand or Vecna. They say what they know of Vecna is that he has been in both realms and is very evil. Shadow tells them that this hand can possibly bring him back... they say they will look more into it. Shadow suggest they talk to Yggdra and Nissa Silverfrond.   long rest.... wake up near evening.   eat.   Warforged in captain quarters with the other adventurers.   Shadow wonders if gnomes can make arrows, goes downstairs in supply room and grabs some. Calliope grabs some bolts as well.   They then go back to the tower for more exploration.     As they get on the deck they see Yggdra is missing a hand. They are all in a discussion, the passengers and Eberron guests. Yggdra comes over and hands back the Journal of Tharros to Shadow saying she read it.   She tells them how the book has helped her understand that Tharros had found a ritual to take powers from other creatures. One such creature he sought to do this to was a Doppelganger he had captured. He wanted to take her ability to Shapechange and this was one of the last things mentioned in the book, so it was likely the last thing he was working on at the time. While they were waiting for the party they checked into some sources. Seems no one has seen Tharros the Wanderer in over 3 years, he had seemingly had some issues with the Arcane Order. There have been occasional "sightings" which are hard to collaborate since then.   Shadow asked about Jacoby. There were Notes on Spell Weaver Experiment about another experiment, a six-armed creature he sought to take powers from -- it failed in some way. He used an Orb of Mystara to take the regenerative properties and long life from this creature... It might be since the creature had already done 6 splits.   He was studying the Dragon Prophecies, including ideas to use the orbs for... one he felt might hold promise was to find an "empty" orb, one where the orb still held together but the realm had gone pass it's point of singularity somehow... the WIP: Orb of Athas. He would Teleport the Dragon into that world.   Yggdra doesn't understand much of this. She wants to get to Thornwinds to see if she can find Garm Pavond's trail.   table talk: the regeneration/split of a Spellweaver uses a Metal cylindar... If they try a 7th split those will all start anew with no memories.   The party returns to the Keep.  

  The basement is blocked with rubble.   They go to Work on getting the portable hole. They open the secret passage. They examine the frame. Bastion Investigates (18) sees slight runes in the Metal Work, it looks to be attached to the wall as if glued... These are runes of power. Bastion is concerned of using Dispel Magic, but if the portable hole is an actual magic item and not an item with a spell attached it could Work if the frame is just a spell Enchantment.   He casts Dispel Magic and it makes the frame fall to the ground. They have a unique WIP: Portable Hole  

  As they go up to the second floor they see the magic music box that had been making the music. Calliope picks up the black slab of obsidion. She reckognizes it is the melody to the "Blasphemy Song" (a rhyming song where every verse is an insult to a god. It is usual sung at a speedy pace. Worshipers say any Bard who sings the song will face divine retribution, but for most bards, this wasn’t their last song.)  

  Shadow looks at the food, notices it is not so fresh on the table, but maybe some magic keeps the food fresher where it is stored. She takes some of the stones used in the sink. In some ceramic jugs. 3 of each. After having the first one popping off, she gets another jug to keep them separate. There is a stairwell going up...  

  They find some large vats of liquids with pipes, Potion stuff and a lot of other things...   shadow and Bastion start searching... They find a vial that looks Familiar -- the same as the ones in the box they found on the Dead Dwarf that was for Durnan. Notes of Tharro on Life Longevity about how he had worked on a Potion to give life longevity.   Barlo goes to look at the liquids, the red has the same viscosity and simlar to what was in the basement... bits of "glitter" in the liquid.   The experiment below (probably connect to this) was to take the power from the spellweavers.. it failed.   As everyone searches Calliope starts to draw on the large Skeleton, a moustache... and as she does this flames begin to Light up behind and on it...    



The Battle:



  Shadow sees the flames coming from the Bone and moving towards Calliope. She screams, jumps on the table, Hunter's Mark and then arrows Fly.   Arktos stays.   Bastion sees the arrows splinter into the bones and then burn off. He Casts Haste, Bladesinger song, and then attacks with his new sword and then casts the cantrip Wizard's True Strike (which adds damage) He takes some fire damage as the flames lick at his arms.   Calliope casts Blade Ward.   Sas runs in and casts Shillelagh, she hits and takes fire damage... uses her spores to attack as well, they are destroyed by the fire.   It creates a flame ball and shoots it at Calliope.   Barlo takes his swipes at it. he also takes fire damage.   It spurts out fire and flames around at all around him.  


  Shadow shoots a few arrows. hits. Kills it. Arrow in the Eye Socket   The death of the Skeleton causes it to explode hurting those around it. (Calliope's spell helped her a bit)  
☠️ Shadow

t Combat Experience: 84000 (1680 ea) | Total: 101680 (Next Goal: 120,000) t
  Shadow casts Healing Spirit, Calliope also drinks a Potion.   They look for Books and at the potions. MOst of the potions are empty or ruined. They find one that looks almost like old tea, I think they took it.   Sas also casts Cure Wounds for her and Calliope.  

  They go up to the next floor.   As they check the Gate, Barlo checks for traps.   Doesn't see traps. Picks the lock.   Bastion checks out the telescope. It is all black. As he is messing with it, he realizes they were looking at some very dark spot in space, looks like it might be one of the Sargassos.   they also go to check out the treasure chest, Barlo sees a trap. Shadow checks out desk. Barlo cuts the trap. Then picks it.     Coins: 1178 cp, 9975 sp, 1437 gp, 58 pp Art: 6 art objects worth 25 gp each (1 Embroidered Silk handkerchief, 1 Gold locket with a painted portrait inside, 1 Small mirror set in a painted wooden frame, 1 Silver ewer, 1 Cloth-of-gold vestments, 1 Small Gold bracelet)   Shadow looks at the Notes of Tharros on Sargassos. It seems he was studying the Sargassos and there are Notes of Tharros on Bogan about the Ashla & Bogan as the Bogan are working with the Arcane Order to hunt down various magic artifacts. Through them he has learned how the Sargassos has no time and people get stuck there for an eternity. He had plans to put the Dragon into the "empty" orb (WIP: Orb of Athas) and then shoot that into the Sargassos, as he does not want his reality and realm destroyed.   Shadow wonders if this is good or bad, if it will help or not....   she then tells Barlo to put the whole chest into the portable hole.   Calliope and Shadow sees a mark appearing on the mirror near Calliope. It looks as if it is blood and says: "We found him! See you soon..."   They watch it as it is written. After a few moments, the droopy bits stay in the mirror and slowly fades.   Shadow asks if Captain Meklan or Grognard would have done something like this... not that Barlo or Bastion are aware of.   The idea of blood and mirrors sparks a memory, somehow. Bastion finally remembers Likkec using blood on mirrors for his teleportation at Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch'.     Calliope wonders how they know where they are -- if it is Likkec.     They don't know if it is him, but they think it might be. Must be the Wizard he was looking for.   Barlo cuts his finger and uses his bloody finger to write:   "change of plans. new location?"   after a few moments it disapears and is replaced with:   "Can't talk more now... Will see you soon.."   4' x 3' oval mirror, Wood frame with Bronze and paint flecks of Gold. They put that in the hole. and take the notes from the table. WIP:     They return to the ship.   The brothers are in front of the "outhouse" with some chairs and a table, with a small fire.   They are putting a new gauntlet hand onto Yggdra's stump. they seem as if they are still staying to study the Metal and will get Jeets to help them leave. Barlo informs them of what they found in the keep. They are a little concerned of danger, but trust the party.   Yggdra checks the hand, it works.   The Metal isn't like "veins", it is like long beams of Metal, all through the island. some bits have irregular shapes. Too haphazard to have been created to be the "frame" for this, like a pile of sticks thrown about. The Metal is similar ot Hematite.   It's about 3 hours past sunset. So they are told to not worry about the pay, as they will contact those who secured the passage... although they won't care as much as you would think.   They remind shadow of the stone if they are ready for Armor.   Yggdra reminds Shadow that she should talk to Nissa Silverfrond at some point as she can possibly teach her to talk to her Owlbear friend, Arktos.   they go on the ship.   Bastion does the ritual to get The Audacity airborne again, using a 5th level to fuel it.   They go down, and no real issues. they sail in, so not to cause concern with a Flying Ship. Night flying, dragons, and the spectacle might be too much.   They get into port. The captain secures the payment and gives them the payment of 1000.   a surprise as only Barlo knew the real cost.   a reminder of the black card network on the ports.     also they see Weird mix of rich/poor. no real big divisions.   As well as the large statue they see as they sail in with the legs and the Dragon head. WIP:    

  t Milestone Experience | 2000 ea Total: 102000 (Next Goal: 120,000 ) t   t Group Levels up to Level 12 t

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