Jeets (/ˈdʒiːts/)


Jeets is a rogue, by background, but an adventurer by trade. He has been with Cellymas & Talbron Tewn for a long while now. He was panicked when his party disappeared, but was so grateful when The Mighty Menagerie helped him find his friends. He was later seen in the Myconid colony where they were helping his new party member, Pradam Estorich with some PTSD he has been dealing with.  
You see a sly-looking rogue with a mischievous twinkle in their eye. Dressed in dark leathers and with a nimble confidence, they exude an air of mischief. This person seems to always be one step ahead of the game, as if they have their own agenda hidden behind their playful smirk.
  Jeets is always full of mischief, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a playful smirk on his face. He is cunning and quick-witted, and loves to show off his skills. He is also quite secretive, often glancing around to make sure no one is eavesdropping  
I always strive to outsmart my opponents, and to use my skills to my advantage   I owe a great debt of gratitude to Cellymas & Talbron Tewn, and I would do anything to repay them   I'm too trusting of those who seem to have my best interests at heart, and I'm easily manipulated


Jeets was raised by a paternal or maternal aunt, uncle, or both; or extended family like tribe or clan. His father was imprisoned or enslaved and his mother disappeared to an unknown fate. He was born in a carriage, cart, or wagon. He grew up in a large house with a modest lifestyle, and he had a few close friends. He decided to turn his natural luck into a career, and he joined the Unfortunate Mead Heroes in their quest to find Jacoby. He has been working as a double agent, gathering information on Cellymas & Talbron Tewn in exchange for resources and protection. He has made a few friends and enemies along the way, and has experienced many adventures. He has gained a great deal of experience, and has become a seasoned veteran  


Jeets is a short, stout Halfling standing at only 2'10" tall. He has a tan complexion, sparkling brown eyes, and short brown hair. He has a set of missing teeth, giving him a distinct smile  

Speaking Style

Jeets speaks with a suave and confident tone, often emphasizing his wit and charm. He has a tendency to use flowery language and long words, and his accent has a faint lilt to it

The "Fortunate Mead Heroes" Rogue.

Character Location
Current Location
Last seen at Outding Refuge
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Current Status
Part of the Unfortunate Mead Heroes, Seeking out Jacoby
Current Location
Year of Birth
1957 KC 66 Years old
Current Residence
Outding Refuge
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2' 10"
45 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations