Session 68: Unexpected Side Mission in Eberron


16/10 16:00
16/10 18:00

  The Wild Cards died... Ended up in Eberron.

Wild Cards


Redfall 16, 2023 KC, Early evening/Late afternoon

  Elder's Keep of Skola Vale   Recap
A species of creatures has long been Dead and someone was erasing knowledge of it from all sources.  
        As the party is walking up the stairs, Bastion hits a hidden button on the wall. Bright Light and ozone fills their nostrils.   Saving throw...   They fail as electricity kills them.       Shadow and Barlo almost didn't die, but another spark hit them.   They hear voices, mostly from their pasts and then they all share the experience of hearing a conversation between a woman (who sounds familiar) and some other male figure.  
female: .. You know when I represent these of my kind I prefer Bast.   Male: Fine, Bast,…   Bast: Thank you, Silvanus. I only came in this form as I know it pleases you and your Faerunian kind the best…   Silvanus: Bast, what you ask is no longer done. We let them choose these returns.   Bast: Silvanus, I know you don't like my plan to return my brother -- but I am sure in the end it will help our kind. All of our kind.   Silvanus: Bast, we don't know how your judgemental brother may be these days.. Labelas has had difficulties in seeing to the Toril past and how it connects with this Dierde ever since that Human interloper… well since his hexad-soul-split working for Mystra to be fair, but the one that messed with time it has even changed so many parts of fate that most gods are almost of the mind to release Tharizdun and be done with it anyways. They no longer Fear it will be the final death, and some almost seem to welcome it either way.   Bast: Silvanus, there is no fun in death -- besides of they feel no longer tethered by the tablets of fate then why not bring my brother back? Besides the pharoah's rebirth he can help any gods seeking their time to float in the Astral Sea. Besides… these Wild Cards may be the key to re-igniting the old Realms. I have some ideas, but we have to bring them back at least this one time. I think if we [garbled] then it will be like travelers from Eberron and not some deific intervention. That will keep the Raven off our backs for, not like a kitty is ever really afraid of a silly bird -- but her and I have made our arrangements when I can get away with toying with the deaths of these mortals that I don't need her changing those deals.   … hard to hear ...   Silvanus: And what of the Feylords?   Bast: They don't keep that close an eye on their Eladrin and feyfolk when they cross into the Prime, you know that. Besides, if my ultimate plans Work… they will find so many more canvases to create upon. Besides, Titania's avatar in the Vale is quite smitten with this group and relies on them to help protect their stake in the Prime… Which is also why I think Labelas will want us to help this group… If they help that interloper out of the time stream he can regain his control and it should be a reason why the Raven might not be as confrontational when she learns of what I know about Jergal   Silvanus: what about Jergal?   Bast: Oh, I can't tell you yet. The death of Vecna is still too fresh, deifically-speaking and that avatar might still return in which case I will lose control of the plot. Not gonna lie, love -- but the focus is on my people first, because even I fail to save Dierde I can still save my people… I have contigencies. Some forget that I come from the War Domain of our flock and I don't always fight on the open battlefield. My machinations come from the shadows, but they succeed.   Silvanus: I hope you are right. I am risking a lot with this…   Bast: You are risking everything, but it is the only chance we have…   An earpiercing scream…. Then Silence. The Slow sound of sand as you are now buried in sand… you feel it choking you….   Then it is gone.   A whisper in your ears, Bast it sounds like.   Bast:I have given you a chance. You died in that tower, but I think we have a way to bring you back, first though I need you to assist someone for me…
    The party wakes up. It is loud and a metallic room full of mirrors and Metal. Pipes and steam with the sound of machines and gear. A strange rhythm to the movement of the room as it shakes and slams. shake, slam. shake, slam.   they are all alone, but they see their companions reflections in the mirrors. Bastion is not around. Arktos is not around.   They see liquids of various colors dripping from pipes, a chemical and acidic smell to some. The floor is Metal. The walls are pipes, metals, glass and mirror. The outside wall is just thick pipes so close to each other they create a wall. They start to explore and as they explore it seems as if they are teleported at times to other parts.   Sas is the first to find a room in the "center" of the "maze" and there are various pipes here and some are leaking various chemicals as well. She does an investigation of the area (19) and...   this is while everyone is still exploring.   Sas goes out to help wrangle the others.   As Shadow finally finds the room they notice in one corner a loose pipe. They shift the pipe before doing anything with the colored liquids. Barlo pushes it aside and slips down as does the others. They fall into a room where it similar to the previous as it is all Metal. Strange contraptions and steamwork which is unlike anything they have ever seen. Tesla coils and electrical sparks everywhere. A large crystalline structure with some more Warforged creatures.   Gears, steam, and wheels everywhere as the building continues with its rhythmic movement. The crystals are different than the ones from Outding. Some automoton dogs also are walking around.   One of the largest has blades everywhere, mostly Metal and Rock. He commands the other two...   the party is out of their element. Seems no one heard them as they fell and they quickly decide to attack.  

  r.1 Calliope casts Invisibility. Sneaks closer. goes past some strange moving machinery with a large moving spike. It has some tracks going through the floorboard.   Shadow goes Invisible with her bonus action ability. Burst of speed and crouches with a held action -- arrow pointed in case hostile actions ensue. Her poofy tale also gets some charge from the nearby exposed sparks.   tabletalk: Invisible characters see themselves as the movie Invisible   Iron defender continues walking (NEED ARTICLE FOR ID)   Sas also wasn't ready to attack. casts protection from lightning.   Barlo activates his Shield, asks Calliope what she things... Holds action to attack dog when it comes around.   The large one yells at the others to get it figured out and time is running short. He pulls up his left arm and does something to it and then disappears.     r.2 Calliope takes in the sights and does a perception check (nat 20). There are large sparks coming off the large Crystal and going into the two working on it. Not harming them. There are cracks in large Crystal.   Shadow shoots out a Spike Growth. then moves. She warns her Friends.   Sas attacks with Chill Touch.  
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Going through the Bastion & Cantrip (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ changes proposed in the playtesting, as I try to finish reworking the rules for strongholds -- I want to give you guys full options for building if you want to build more back at the keep…   And that said, I am looking at the changes proposed for the spell updates and want to present the ones I think I would like to introduce at the table…   You choose which version you want, old rule or new rule -- but both are available in game and you can't just change them. Once you lock in, you lock in (but you can change spells based on the rules for your class and therefore you can change to the other version at that point if it is allowed)  Acid Splash now creates a 5-foot-radius sphere that can affect any creature caught in it, and it is an Evocation instead of a Conjuration spell. The school change unites this spell with the Sorcerer and Wizard’s other direct-damage Acid spells. (the old version is still Conjuration, so there is a "Conjure acid splash" and an "Evoke acid splash") • Blade Ward is now a Reaction that imposes Disadvantage on a creature’s melee attack roll. (this is called "Reactionary Blade Ward"), The original still exists as "Blade Ward" • Chill Touch is now a touch spell that deals 1d10 damage rather than 1d8, and it no longer has the rarely used Undead-specific effect. (I'm going to actually have this consolidated, so you get both options -- based on range or touch) "Ranged Chill Touch" vs. "Chill Touch" • Friends now forces the target to make a save against being Charmed briefly. (this is the new option, and only option). Just Friends, no old version. • Poison Spray now has a range of 30 feet rather than 10 feet, and it uses an attack roll rather than a saving throw. Also, it is now a Necromancy rather than a Conjuration spell. (This is now two spells, the old one being "Conjure Poison Spray", and the new one being "Necromantic Poison Spray") • Produce Flame is now a Bonus Action, but the attack portion is still an action. The range of the Light has increased to 20 feet, and the range of the attack has increased to 60 feet. Also, the attack can now target creatures or objects. (this is the new option, and only option. Just Produce Flame, no old version). • Shillelagh now improves at higher levels, and it gives you the option of dealing Force damage or the weapon’s normal type. (this is the new option, and only option. Just Shillelagh, no old version). • Shocking Grasp now shuts down Opportunity Attacks rather than all Reactions. Shutting down all Reactions is too powerful for a cantrip. This cantrip has always been meant to provide a partial Disengage, which it still does in this version. Like other Lightning spells, the spell also no longer makes distinctions about whether the target is wearing Metal. (this is the new option, and only option. Just Shocking Grasp, no old version). • Spare the Dying is now a ranged rather than a touch spell, and the range increases as you level up. The spell is now also on the Druid list. (this is the new option, and only option. Just Spare the Dying, no old version). • True Strike is now an attack with a weapon that uses your spellcasting ability rather than Strength or Dexterity. (there is a Lucky True Strike (old spell) and Weapon's True Strike for the new option.)     I will create cards of the new spells and notes if there is still an old spell on roll20, hopefully before the next game.   If anyone doesn't like these changes, please feel free to DM me, but I think these all seem to be in your favor (especially the Druid who uses two of these as well as gets a new spell option)   Table talk on D&D One new Cantrips
    Barlo moves to an Iron defender. Attacks. Reckless. Hits. Infectious Fury.   ** Dead **       r.3   Large Crystal. Yellow glow pops out. Lighting blue at this time as a bit of the yellow Gold pulse through.   The Warforge near one spark puts his hand into the arm and replaces it with the blade to the side. he runs into the brambles. a panel opens up on the side of his arm. a Metal bar pops out and extends into a Metal javelin. He throws it at Shadow and misses. He curses out some wound. His left arm goes to the sparks.   Then next one, an Iron defender runs into the brambles. tries to skirt around.   Calliope looks at her surroundings (perception 16) is able to see the barbs. Was thinking of an enthralling performance... She then casts Invisibility on Sas   Shadow shoots and hits. Hits a few times. Then goes Invisible. Arrow buries deep. So does the second.   Sas attacks, Ranged Chill Touch connects.   Barlo uses agility, he sees the Spike Growth. Goes reckless.   kills doggy. ** Dead **   starts chopping off spikes, then the legs. He then starts climbing a pillar.   "oh you come to me, nice. Interlopers you will not stop the Lord of Blades!" the warforged says. His right hand folds into his arm and his armblade takes the place.

"Lord of Blades?" Barlo asks, "Is that what Meklan calls himself in this world? Wherever we are..."   The warforged gives him a strange look.   He slashes at Barlo and connects with one of his attacks. He looks at left arm and calls for reinforcements. He then reaches out to the sparks and gets some vitality back. Some of the others do the same.

  r.4   Reinforcements enter the fray and run towards the party.   Attacks/Crits on Barlo as a doggy bites.   there was a whole thing that wasn't true due to dm forgetting a character was Invisible...   Calliope finds herself surrounded. So she polymorphs into a Stegasaurus, which drops the invisiblity on Sas and pushes out the hostiles next to her.   She moves. takes some opportunity attack damage   Shadow goes Invisible and attacks. crits. damages the dog. another crit... She kills it, robin hood style.   Sas casts Shillelagh and dents the Metal.     Barlo is surrounded. He attacks. Tries to grapple. fails. Again tries. should have failed, but I called the "meets it beats it" rule backward. It should have gone to the mob. He is dragged into the brambles. Then pops a Potion of healing.     the mobs begin to move and attack, some take damage from Shadow's thorns.     Bast sends a Message to Sas: "stop messing around with them, I sent you to break the power crystal"
So Sas tells the party they need to break the Crystal... Barlo asks which one, she says the one that has the power.   The mobs attack.   r.5   Calliope goes and attacks. misses.   Shadow moves, attacks. And uses swarm to move a bad guy.     Sas attacks with Hold Person and then shouts to get the power Crystal to which Barlo says a giant dinosaur would be great for that.   Barlo attacks recklessly.   ** Dead **   Then moves with a Jump. He gets bit on the way out.   they get attacked..   r.6   Calliope runs then polymorphs into a Tyrannosaurus Rex Overalls, sparkles and polka dots One blinged-out tooth with a Diamond.   Shadow attacks and kills one. then drops the spikes   ** Dead **   "I can't hold them off long, but I was able to have the others here jam the doors breifly. it won't hold" says Bast to Sas   Sas casts Chill Touch as she moves towards the Crystal. The Chill Touch hits.   Barlo Attacks recklessly. ** Dead **   moves and reinforcements. an attack on dinosaur   r.7   Calliope Attacks   shadow attacks and moves   sas casts Shillelagh on Crystal.   Barlo attacks. with special attack. and the psychic damage kills him.     they move and attack.   r.8   Calliope does a bite attack. After charging it.   She breaks off a large piece that was still in there, lights and sparks everywhere. The party then is enveloped in white Light.. everything moves past them as they phase through the walls. They are still in the air, floating -- the Kaiju they were inside of continues to move forward then falls down. They find themselves hundreds of feet above the ground. THere is a major path of destruction through a city where the Kaiju walked through.

They are moved to a hillside. They watch the large warforged Creation fall and explosions everywhere. A major military component charges it.

The bubbles pop and they drop on a hillside.

They see a Halfling. A crystalline humanoid creature. A warforged. Another automoton dog. And a strange flying creature. The Halfling is playing a stringed instrument which seems to be the magic that saved them. They have Arktos and Bastion who seem to be Unconscious.   A bengal Tabaxi who seems to act as if she was always there comes from behind a tree and walks up to them and speaks.   goes to Halfling "our deal has been made..."   Then to the party "This kind of came up at the same time you were available, so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone."   Barlo says "I have so many questions."               ** NEED TO CHECK VIDEO FOR KILLS ** Dead **        

  t Milestone Experience | 2000 ea Total: 98000 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) t

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