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Medicos are a relatively common profession on X-Planet tasked with the health and bodily integrity of Monimal



To qualify to be a Medico, one must undertake and be accepted apprenticeship and training at a Lantern House, which, in order to qualify for application, one must pass the rigorous Medicinal Exams held once every year. Most Dens will provide paths of study for this exam to any who want to pursue it. 

Career Progression

Once accepted into the apprenticeship 3 years of assisting a Level 3 or 4 Medico follow, learning the trade in out and assisting in their practice. After which, full earning of the title is earned, and they can then choose any Lantern House of their choice to practice at, with accommodations and moving costs covered.

Alternatively, one can enlist their Medico knowledge in service of the Kingdom of X-Planet Military Medicorps. Assisting and healing wounded soldiers in their duties.
To further one's prospects as a Medico or to increase one's helpfulness and desirability, one may further pursue test in medicinal knowledge from psychological to physical and increase one's Level. Each Rank begets more breadth of knowledge in not only medical application and implementation for the average Monimal but increasingly how to best address their vastly differing physiologies.

For Example: A Level 1 Medico will have basic knowledge of most Monimal Physiology but nothing beyond that, while a Level 2 will have that knowledge on this, as well as very in depth knowhow of Arthropod physiology, allowing them to serve that demographic in increased capacity. A Level 3 Medico will have all of that at their disposal, in addition to Reptilians and Avians and general psychological knowledge.

Payment & Reimbursement

Typically medicos are meted out a Kingdom Tax paid handsome stipend, with that stipend going up even higher the higher their level.



The creed of a Medico is to help and heal any Monimal in need they must maintain close relationship with their clients to better understand and know their ailments.

Social Status

For the most part, medico are seen as a very respected and high position, with only the best and brightest able to make the cut to even be accepted into apprenticeship. That being said, most would rather be treated by a Level 2 or higher medico, and will only go to a Level 1 or apprentice for the mildest of illnesses, seeing them as not yet reliable.
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