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If there were one word one would use to sum up this race of beings, it would be “diverse”. For some unknown reason, the members of this species seem to be divided up into various subgroups, each very different from the last. To the lay person, one might assume that these peoples are not related at all and have little to do with one another, but in fact, their ability to interbreed and mix genetic code without the creation of sterile offspring, sings another story.   As varied as they are, it goes without saying that the physical aptitude of one individual can vary greatly from one to the other. Each one may be robust in shape or downright diminutive, fur covered or scale covered, camouflage or have the ability to fly or breathe in the ocean depths. There seems to be no end to how a Monimal may turn out.   Further still, there exists in these one of a kind creatures a particular “switch” that bestows upon them a miraculous ability completely unique from person to person. Among the Monimal people, this ability is colloquially known as an X-Factor. For those born with an X-Factor it can appear either as a most wretched curse or benevolent blessing. This X-Factor has been known to give Monimals abilities as benign as accelerated hair growth to incredible and potentially calamitous powers like splitting atoms at will. In this potential discord most high, there exist one fact about of those with an X-Factor that has prevented total chaos from reigning among their civilizations, namely, that , roughy only one in one-hundred thousand are elected by nature to receive their potential gift or curse. Rarer still, since many who acquire an X-Factor are more susceptible to deadly diseases in their childhood. It is imperative to account, that the larger portion of the general populace harbors intense distaste for those that have this rare enhancement. A combination of historical accounts and records of the devastation some afflicted and have wrought in ages past, plus the pedestrian fear of the unknown, help only to contribute to this prevailing sentiment. It is customary for those born with this genetic anomaly, to keep this aspect of themselves secret from their peers at all costs no matter how unassuming it might be, due to the heavy societal stigma that comes with it.   Monimal culture is largely based upon familial structures that emphasize the parents and children in a nuclear setting. Most live in the Kingdom of X-Planet under the rule of its King and Queen and the Parliament. Daily life consisting of working at one of the many different jobs or trades that keep the planet running. Many living in particularly poorer parts of the planet are susceptible in choosing less wholesome kinds of work, that often lands them in trouble with the Planetary Defense Forces, another line of work popular for the perks it permits and opportunities it grants to those that enlist, especially individuals who have completed their mandatory education.   From one Monimal to the next there is little the same, however, through many years of hardship and friction between one another, and a almost fanatic devotion to the doctrines of freedom of individuals, Monimal may clash and chaff many times but overall they are a very powerful peoples always full of spirit and determination.

Basic Information


Highly varied: Fur or scales or bare skin or feathers. Horns antennae or no ears. 2 or 4 arms. No legs or 4 legs. Small or very large.

Genetics and Reproduction

Male and Female reproduction with a highly varying incubation period. Live birth or egg laying.

Growth Rate & Stages

Most live to Senior age before passing of natural causes. A small minority might undergo a metamorphosis at Adolescence.

Ecology and Habitats

Can survive in almost any climate due to variance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Culturally most eat exclusively plants.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nuclear families within governments.

Facial characteristics

Almost all have eyes and a mouth

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of X-Planet

Average Intelligence

Basic Sentience

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Highly varied. Some can fly or breathe underwater. Those with an X-Factor might host extrasensory abilities.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Scientific Name
Up to Senior
Average Height
1 ft-30ft
Average Weight
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

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