Lonanoble (Loan-a-noble)

The City of Lonanoble sits between Early soldier keep and the Demon Peak mountain in the Lionshead Region. The City was originally settled by the Great King Sarculi. A demi-God champion of mortals. It is said that he cleared the land for this great city with one powerful breath. He fertilised the lands by giving his hand as nourishment for the ground and he fought the purple worm calling the land its home. There is no royal family of Lonanoble but instead it is ruled by choice of the Heart, a huge stone heart that is said to speak to the priests of the city and name the new King/ Queen /Royal. Notably King Misale ruled over the city and greater region of Lionshead before handing over to Elenwyn  and Striga .   The city, in 1491, was ransacked by vampires under the command of Lord Tanyl Paon    The City has many tall towers and lowly slums, the sheer size of the city makes it difficult to maintain such a large population. The land surrounding does not make it easier as it is rife with danger.   In terms of crime, Master Froggit is the thieves guild leader within Lonanoble.
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