Charak-Yosin (Shah-Rock-Yo-zin)

Weapon (Dagger), Relic Weapon Attunement Required (Dragonborn)   This dagger is made of a ruby red crystal blade inlaid into an ironwood handle and carved in a style reminiscent of a number of centuries old religious carvings dating to before the Third Age, a strange feat considering the Charak-Yosin - meaning Ruby Blade in Draconic - was said to be carved from a fang of Sardior, the Bejeweled Master.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Charak-Yosin has the following Soul Point enchantments:
  • Focus [2 SP]: This weapon acts as a spellcasting focus.
  • Spell Link [2 SP]: While attuned to this weapon, you gain an additional level 1 spell slot.  This spell slot only refreshes after a long rest.
  It also has the following Ancestral Traits:  
  • Thirst for Knowledge: The relic drives you to gain more knowledge. While you sleep, you can read any book in a language you understand by touching it.
  • Stubborn: When you change your viewpoint easily, the relic washes a sense of shame over you.
  Limit Break (Limit Breaks can trigger on a Critical Hit once per long rest):  
  • Aetherial Duality: You unleash a taste of the raw creation and destruction that permeates the Aetherial Plane from the relic. Until the end of combat, any damage done by making attacks or casting spells through the relic deal an extra 1d6 force damage.  This extra damage ignores any resistance or immunity.


The fabled blade Charak-Yosin was said to be carved from the fang of Sardior, the Bejeweled Master and a member of the Draconic Triumvirate.  It was his final offering to the Great Dragons as a reminder that a simple blade can mean the difference between life and death.  A lesson to the Tyranny to not let their pride get the better of them.  It was a lesson they should have heeded.   Discarded as being a relic beneath their notice, duller than a dragon's talons and smaller than they could hold, the weapon itself ultimately fell into the hands of Serah Sylverstorm of The Twelve Legendary Heroes who would wield it as an arcane focus in the battles against the Great Dragons.  The blade shattered under the pressure of the intensity of The Flow of Magic channeled through it in the Battle of the Gate.   Following the dawn of the Fourth Age and the founding of Aldamere, Serah would eventually gift the fragments of Charak-Yosin to the Iosvih'elen Sorcerer, Oltanna, when she joined the Twelve Legendary Heroes.  Oltanna knew what the weapon was and the history from it in her lessons before leaving the Arkhosian Federation.  She took the fragments and began a journey of two dozen years to return to the depths of the Athasian Expanse and seek out the fabled Gem Dragonborn - the last students of Sardior.   There she studied with the monks, who took no issue with her gray scales, until learning of a means to reforge the jeweled fang. She had to take the pieces deep into The Aetherial Plane and draw into her own body the raw creation magic of the universe. It has been speculated by scholars who biographed Oltanna and the Heroes that this dangerous act probably shortened her life expectancy greatly leading to her early death at the mere age of 51.   What happened to the Charak-Yosin after Oltanna's death?  No one knows.  Some stories say that she left it in the Aetherial Plane to act as a test to any who would seek it out.  Others say she hid it on another plane entirely, including Mechanus in one story that claims that the Plane of Law was the only place in the universe that could contain the raw power of the creation magic soaked dagger.  Others insist that it was buried with her in a location lost to time following the Night of Ashes.

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Relic Weapon
1 lbs
Raw materials & Components
Crystal, Ironwood