Drakonid Species

The Drakonid species is a category of life classified by the Holy Church for races born from the Dragons that the Gods sent as the Second Punishment.
  Said to be born from the blood of the last dragon lord, a tyrannical red dragon known as Arkhos, these races emerged to dominate the remnants of the Athasian Expanse. They are primarily divided into two groups the caste-based and dominant Dragonborn, and the lesser servant race known as the Kobolds. There is also a subset of Dragonborn who have been exiled from their society from one reason or another who have been branded "Iosvih'elen" - a title of banishment in Dragonborn society. These Iosvih'elen are the only Dragonborn that have actively and amicably interacted with the Lower Realms.
  They include:

Articles under Drakonid Species