Ferec Weldig (Fair-eck Weld-igg)

Castellan Ferec Greenwound Weldig

Ferec Weldig, the Hero of Ravenwood, is the current ruling Castellan of Heroes' Vigil.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a half-elf father and a human mother, Ferec Weldig is technically a quarter-elven but presents as entirely human with little of his father's heritage to show for it.  He was born in a small hut near the village of Blackbough in the depths of the Wyvernwold forest, where he spent much of his youth learning to hunt and fend for himself.  When he was 14, Ferec took an interest in the Rangers, an organization of peace-keepers across the Borderlands that tend to deal with wildlife threats and scouting.  With both parents approval, he joined on his 15th birthday.   While serving with the Rangers, Ferec made friends with a number of groups registered with the Adventurers Guild.  He worked along side a number of them and was willing to skirt the lines of his orders to provide assistance with their quests and jobs. One of these adventures ended with him saving a wolf pup from a goblin shrapnel bomb that killed the rest of the small animal's family.  While a piece of the bomb was lodged in the small wolf's leg, he nursed it back to health and adopted it - naming it 'Shard'.   Due to his flagrant disregard for the clearly stated boundaries between the Adventurers Guild and the Rangers, in the summer of 5A251 Ferec was assigned to a joint taskforce to cull the Ravenwoods north of Heroes Vigil from a gathering of goblinoids that had dug into the area.  The operation, dubbed the Siege of Ravenwood, took two weeks of brutal fighting to rout the goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears from the woods.  Ferec had made an impression on Guildmaster Pal with his tenacity and fearlessness, at one point ordering his men to build barricades from the dead to give the ranged lines additional cover.   The year after the Siege of Ravenwood, Ferec was approached by Hargov Montebaal, the current Castellan of Heroes Vigil, and offered the chance to succeed him.  Ferec stated that had he been asked a year ago, he would have said no, but after what he saw and what he had to do in the Siege, he was more than willing to take a desk job.  The next several months were spent learning from Montebaal before taking over as the new and current Castellan of the keep.


Ferec has never taken a lover nor a spouse. He claims that he just never understood people in that way.  Despite this, he does have a daughter who lives with her mother, another former ranger, in Ashfall.


Ferec never received a formal education.  He was trained by the Rangers, and by his family before that.  Because of this, he usually leaves much of the managerial duties and bookkeeping of Heroes Vigil to Marevak, his assistant.


From the age of 15 to 27, Ferec worked under the Rangers.  He was approached and began training to become Castellan shortly before his 28th birthday.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hero of the Siege of Ravenwood

Failures & Embarrassments

Hero of the Siege of Ravenwood

Mental Trauma

The Siege of Ravenwood took a great toll on Ferec's mental state.  It's rumored that as he ages, he is plagued with nightmares.  These traumas may be the reason behind his push to expand the keep's military forces with a larger cavalry to reach more of the surrounding area.



Ferec has served as Castellan for 15 years.  In that time, he has pushed for expanding the Keep's cavalry to offer short-to-mid distance support around the surrounding region of the Borderlands.

Family Ties

His mother and father lived outside of Blackbough. His mother was lost while he was serving in the Rangers to a Wyvern attack. His father still lives there.   He has a daughter, Yalin Mohae (F Human), who lives in Ashfall with her mother, Tinzya Mohae (F Human), another former ranger.

Religious Views

Ferec is a devout follower of the Holy Church and its teachings.  The priest from the keep's chapel routinely makes personal visits to the main tower to pray with Ferec.

Social Aptitude

Despite being elevated to the station of Castellan and the responsibility it brings, socially Ferec is still the Ranger he was in his youth.  As such, he is often considered blunt and rude, but honest.

Hobbies & Pets

For his first four years as Castellan, Ferec kept a pet wolf named 'Shard' with him in the keep.  Shard passed away of natural causes.   It's rumored among the Vigil that Ferec is also something of an amateur cartographer and uses the defensive position of the keep and the height of the center tower to draw maps of the region.

Wealth & Financial state

As Castellan, Ferec lives in the center tower of the keep.  While he has access to Heroes Vigil's vault, he does not have much in the way of personal wealth.
Character Location
Current Location
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Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Castellan of Heroes Vigil
Date of Birth
3 High Dusk, 5A224
Gray, Sharp
Long, unruly, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
142 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If you still draw breathe, you can fight. If you can't, you can still defend." - At the Siege of Ravenwood
Holy Church
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Elven, some Sylvan
Ruled Locations