Heroes' Vigil

The fortress of Heroes' Vigil is located aproximately ten days travel from the western gates of Triswell.  It is a historical landmark dating back to the early days of the Age of Heroes when it was used as a base of operations for The Twelve Legendary Heroes and then after the Fifth Great Conjunction, became the headquarters of the Adventurers' Guild who still operate the base to the present day.


5 Catapults
8 Ballista
190 Soldiers (Captains, Guards, Cavalrymen)

Guilds and Factions

  • Adventurers' Guild: Contract work and bounties operate out of the Guild House.
  • Silvertouch Trading Consortium: Manages the Provisioner, Trading House and Loan Bank.
  • The Holy Church: Operates the Chapel.

Points of interest

As denoted by map location:
  1. Main Gate
  2. Flanking Towers
  3. Entry Yard
  4. Common Stable
  5. Common Warehouse
  6. Bailiff's Tower
  7. Private Apartments
  8. Smithy & Armorer
  9. Provisioner
  10. Trader
  11. Loan Bank
  12. Watch Tower
  13. Fountain Square
  14. Traveler's Inn
  15. Stretching Goat Tavern
  16. Guild House
  17. Chapel
  18. Inner Gatehouse
  19. Small Tower
  20. Guard Tower
  21. Inner Bailey
  22. Cavalry Stables
  23. Great Tower
  24. The Keep Fortress
  25. Tower
  26. Central Towers
  27. Castellan's Chambers


Heroes' Vigil rests atop a large cliff overlooking the Whispering Woods to the South.  It's entry road is connected to the Gold Road that runs between Triswell and Yhuson.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Keep, Heroes' Rest
Outpost / Base
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location