
The Emissary

The Harlequin is a mysterious lesser god that appears to serve the Fiadmorai.  It does not appear to serve either the Court of Light or the Court of Shadows but instead seems to interact with and serve both equally.  The Harlequin sometimes appears to be an emissary from the Fiadmorai to other fey or even to mortals in the Prime Material Plane.   There are a number of ancient legends about the strange messenger from the Faewild.  Some even hypothesize that it is the true power behind the Fiadmorai and the courts, a pure manifestation of the wild magic that fills the Faewild.  That the peculiar trickster only plays the part of a servant.  No one has ever managed to verify any truth to these folktales though, as the Fiadmorai are fiercely protective of their messenger.


The Harlequin appears as a normal mortal figure but with elongated features, pale white skin decorated with red diamond tattoos, and a crimson head of hair tied into dangling spires with small bells attached to the end of each.  It often appears to be wearing typical fashions of the times but usually in outlandish and clashing colors.


It is unknown whether the Harlequin has any special abilities.  It has demonstrated the ability to traverse the hidden paths between the Faewild and the Prime Material Plane, and theoretically could access the other primal planes as well.  It carries a rapier, but there has never been a myth or story where it has drawn the weapon.

Divine Domains

Change, Chaos and Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

a red triskelion
Divine Classification
Lesser God, Archfey
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Emissary
The Messenger