Faoltyr (Fah-Ole-Tear)

Faoltyr (lit: The Wild Realm in Sylvan) is one of the Primal Planes that sustain The Flow of Magic. It is considered the land of faeries and wild magic.

Localized Phenomena

Faoltyr is a land ruled by wild magic, and thus exists in a constant state of flux.  Distances cannot be measured in miles or feet because nothing remains consistent enough for those measurements to mean anything.  Almost all travel is affected by the moods and mental states of the travelers.  One who is confused, may find themselves wandering through a quagmire of hedge mazes and vines, while someone in high spirits may find themselves speeding so fast toward their destination that stopping in time and quickly pass it by.


Faoltyr was created by the Gods when they sundered the material plane and its font of magic to create The Flow of Magic.  The Plane was given the role of drawing the raw creation magic from the Aetherial Plane and growing it into Wild Magic that could then be filtered through the Material Plane.  Silvox the Spring Child was given domain over this newly created plane but true to his spirited and somewhat aloof nature, he raised a group of fey beings into Archfey (some say the first Archfey) to manage the land in his stead.  This was how the Fiadmorai came into power.   Following the Starfall at the end of the Second Age, a number of fractured elves fled into Faoltyr.  Their fractured nature caused them to absorb the wild magic that permeates the plane and turned their bodies and magical nature into one reflecting the cyclical nature of the seasons - the Ela'Tschi or "People of the Faeries".  These elves sought to reestablish their empire in this new world, and thus built palaces and formed courts of their own in a weird mimicry of the Fiadmorai.  The Archfey appear to have tolerated the Ela'Tschi for these many long years but have made no secret that they will crush any who attempt to interfere with the natural functions of Faoltyr.
Alternative Name(s)
Kingdom of Faeries, The Faerie Wilds
Plane of Existence
Owning Organization