The Fiadmorai (Fee-Ad-More-Eye)

At the heart of the Faewild, exists a pantheon of Lesser Deities that serve under Silvox the Spring Child known as the Fiadmorai. The Fiadmorai is a group of powerful archfey divided into two separate courts: The Court of Light and The Court of Shadows. Each court is made up of five positions: a Rook, a Knight, a Bishop, a King, and a Queen.  

Members of the Court of Light


Members of the Court of Shadows

Other Members of the Fiadmorai

Relation to the Eladrin Courts

When the elves fled to the Faewild at the Second Age and became the people known as the Eladrin, they found themselves at the mercy of the Fiadmorai. Beseeching the Archfey's aid, the Fiadmorai showed mercy to the invading elves and showed them the ways of the Wilds. The story of why the Fiadmorai chose to offer the elves mercy varies greatly from telling to telling. Some say that the Eladrin bound themselves to the Courts and have sealed an eternal debt with them, other legends speak of the Eladrin tricking both Titania and the Queen of Nothing and Darkness into earning place. There are many others and no two give the same reasons.   What is known is that when the Eladrin established their Courts of Summer, Spring, Winter, and Autumn - they did so modeling both the structure and etiquette off of the Fiadmorai Courts. Each court has a Queen or King and four other ruling members. The decorum is more diverse and flamboyant than the Fiadmorai, and the courts are less diametrically opposed, but the comparisons are blatant.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Courts of Light and Shadow, The White and Black Courts
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Fiadmorai