
Dame Loreena Yara-Hibol (a.k.a. The Holy Avenger)

Loreena Yara-Hibol was a knight of the Holy Church's XIIIth Order of Paladins.  She holds the prestigious honor of being knighted by Grand Cleric Ozan Opaltongue at the astonishing age of 19, and received the title of The Right Hand of the Guardian.  After receiving her title, she was recruited from the Ist Order into the XIIIth to serve as a team leader for her own squad of paladins within the order, with hopes for her to ultimately replace Cosan Coalcrush as commander when he retired.  

XIIIth Order Campaign

Loreena led the first squad to pursue the Legion threat following the mysterious organization's murders of a number of paladins. An article of jewelry that belonged to Loreena was found and identified by Chase Tanixson on the party's adventures into the Chaos Scar to pursue the Legion.  She is believed to be dead.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Loreena was a tall, muscular woman.  She has the ability to manifest celestial wings from her back that appear to be made of glowing light.

Apparel & Accessories

Loreena always wore a pendant that was made by her mother for her when she joined the monastery. It is a simply clay pendant on a string with a ring of different color gems representing the Gods of Order and a sun drawn in the center.

Specialized Equipment

Loreena did not wield a sword, but instead wore a shield on her main hand that could ignite in radiant light that manifested as blades around the ringed edge of the shield.  The shield was named 'Savior' and was rumored to be a sentient item, or Loreena simply enjoyed talking to her weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Loreena was born to a family of humans, but bore the family trait of a celestial touch in her ancestry.  This trait awakened in a young Loreena when she was but a child and thus awoken as an Aasimar, more commonly viewed as 'half-angels'.  Due to this exceptional lineage, she was contacted and brought into the fold of the Holy Church at a young age in exchange for granting her family an estate within the Lapis Ring of the city of Triswell. There she was began training to undertake the Rites of Ascension and become a Cleric, but her strong sense of justice and eagerness to punish lawbreakers even in her rebellious teenage years led her to being scouted out by the paladin orders, who enrolled her at their academy and gave her a position in the Holy Church's Ist Order, the Guardian's Shield.   In 5A246, she led a team into the Catacombs, the former burial ground turned underworld beneath the streets of Triswell and defeated a cell belonging to a terrorist group that was building up forces and supplies.  While the young leader of the cell, Okar, managed to flee, it was declared that the victory had dismantled the terrorists operational foothold in the city-state and even if they managed to reassemble, they would be doing so from square-one.  Okar was placed on the Holy Church's most wanted list, and Loreena was honored with a title and prestige but was denied her request to pursue Okar, as her duties in the Guardian's Shield restricted her to operating within the city-state.   Following her notable accomplishment, she was offered a chance to pursue justice in a way she deemed fit and invited to join the secret order of paladins known as The Devil's Hand.  Seizing the opportunity, Loreena joined without hesitation and began working in secret.  Publicly it was declared that she died in a reprisal ambush by remnants of the terrorist cell, which continued to spark further ire amongst the patriotic members of the populace.


Loreena attended and trained under the Studium, the clerical monastary in Triswell, and then the Paladin Academy starting at the age of 11.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She led the assault into the underworld den of a terrorist cell in Triswell's Catacombs. This victorious raid single-handedly broke the terrorist's plans in the city and drove any remaining members into hiding for over a decade.

Morality & Philosophy

Loreena is a firm believer in defending those who can't defend themselves as well as adherence to the law and justice against lawbreakers.  Should the two values ever fall into conflict, she almost always deferred to the former over the latter.


Family Ties

Loreena is survived by both of her parents: Reym and Hollister Yara-Hibol and her two younger sisters, Julim (24) and Povilla (29).

Religious Views

Loreena was a devout follower of the teachings of the Holy Church and kept with a orthodox view of the writings of the Holy Tome.


She spoke in short precise sentences, but never used contractions - unless it was the rare occasion she was inebriated.

Wealth & Financial state

She had very little in the way of personal wealth, her daily needs were filled by her military service.  Any additional funds acquired during her missions with the XIIIth Order were funneled in charities and orphanages throughout Triswell and the Rings.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Right Hand of the Guardian
The Holy Avenger
Date of Birth
9 New Day, 5A227
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by Legion
Place of Death
Chaos Scar
Golden yellow
Long Blonde, tied back in ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Wings are glowing yellow when manifested
6' 3"
198 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I will do this all day."
Holy Church
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Elven