Triswell (Triz-Well)

The home of The Holy Church and the central authority of the Lower Realms. If there were anything resembling a governing body for the city-states, it would be Triswell. The city serves as both the mediator and neutral meeting location for the other powers in the region and uses that status to impose its rules on the other city-states, such as the Mage Guild registration law that Brighthurst employs was originally implemented at Triswell's polite but firm request.   The city has gained a reputation of being a brutal way to live due to the extreme overpopulation and abundance of taxation on the residents imposed by the Church. It can be argued that both are well worth the protection granted living within a city-states walls. Still it is hard to deny that the cramped population is now over twice the city-state's originally intended population with houses being built on-top and in-to each other and the majority living in something akin to poverty.


Triswell was founded in the early years of the 5th Age as a response to the growing need of the populace to have a safe place to call home in the wake of the other city-states upholding a rigorous requirements to admit new citizens. The Holy Church offered both the funds and the connections to complete the work in record time in exchange for control over the city's government. The center of the city was to become a new holy site for the Church - a grand cathedral built out of the ruins of the former castle of Aldmera. Since its founding, Triswell has kept its word about not implementing any requirements and thus the population has boomed in the past 200 years to much larger than the intended size for the city. The Church however makes no effort to minimize the influx, and instead just continues to tax any and all who choose to live within the walls with varying types of tax for the different roles a person or family take on within the rings.

Districts & Points of Interest

The Ruby Ring

The outermost ring of the city proper. The Ruby Ring is a dense housing area with buildings that are usually two to three stories with up to eight families living in a single home. The Ruby Ring is divided into three sub-districts: Crimson Court (Southwest district), Emberwall (Southeast district) and Sunfall Crest (Northern District).

Ruby Ring Points of Interest

Lord Lowai's Lounge of Luxury (Crimson Court): a tavern with a secret brothel built in behind. Operated by Lowai Kixington (M Human). Rumored ties to the Thieves' Guild.   The Drunken Jester (Crimson Court): a bar near the western gate to the city. Moderate Prices, Small Selection. Owned by Gilbring Greenhill (M Halfling) but calls himself "Sir Lordship III".   Crestfall (Sunfall Crest): a bar near the eastern gate to the city. Moderate Prices, Moderate Selection. Run by Habbi Songtooth (F Halfling).   Coined (Emberwall): a member's only gambling den.  

The Golden Ring

The Golden Ring is the center circle of the city. It is devoted to shops, artisans, entertainment and other business as well as residences for those who work them. It is divided into three smaller districts: Grainswell (North), Order's Grace (Southwest), and Coinsgate (Southeast).

Golden Ring Points of Interest

Drunk Monk Inn (Grainswell): A low cost inn near the Gold Road gate.   Black Oil (Grainswell): An alchemist that specializes in medicinal treatments.   Whitestone Masonry (Grainswell): The local masonry shop for the Whitestone Quarry out of Wealdstone. Specializes in furniture and building supplies.   Silverhand Inn (Grainswell): A high cost inn near the Path of Knowledge gate.   Shrine of Order (Grainswell): A shrine to the Gods of Order for prayers and offerings when the gates to the Church are closed. Operated by the Holy Church.   The Lucky Mouse (Grainswell): A moderate cost inn located near the Path of Knowledge gate.   Flask of Whispers (Coinsgate): A general purpose alchemist that is run by a Mages' Guild licensed artificer.   Sprig of Spring (Coinsgate): An herbalist that offers groceries, spices, and medicinal herbs.   Hyde's Hides (Coinsgate): A leatherworking shop that offers light and medium armor, saddles, and packs. Operated by Jacqueline Hyde (F Human).   Stonesword (Coinsgate): A Dwarven runesmith that specializes in basic and simple enchantments for household needs. Can do special orders for advanced enchantments. Offers mending services at half cost to locals.   Artist's Sanctuary of the Word (Coinsgate): An artist's commune that focuses on the creation of religious art. Supported by the Holy Church.   Public Entrance to the Catacombs (Coingsgate): While there are a number of entrances to the Catacombs scattered throughout the city, the only one not locked to the public resides here in Coinsgate.   Grand Theatre Company (Order's Grace): A large theater used to host a number of plays. Capacity is 400 people. They normally stage about 5 different plays a year, with special shows for the Holidays.   Lumbering Giants (Order's Grace): A lumberyard run by the half-giant carpenter Ig. Often subcontracted by Whitestone Masonry to aid with construction jobs.   Pilgrim's Rest (Order's Grace): A low cost inn near the Gold Road gate.

The Lapis Ring

The Lapis Ring is the inner most circle of the city. Like the Ruby Ring, it is also predominantly a residential district but is considered to be a bit higher class due to its extra space and proximity to the Grand Cathedral. It is divided into three smaller districts: Skytouch (North), River's Heart (East), Icehearth (Southwest).

Lapis Ring Points of Interest

Adventurer's Guild (Icehearth): The local offices of the Adventurers' Guild.   Mages' Guild (Skytouch): The local offices of the Mages' Guild.   Altar of the Word: a large plaza between the Icehearth and River's Heart districts where the Church conducts morning prayer, and the Grand Cleric makes proclamations and special ceremonies for the Holidays.

The Seat of the Holy Church

At the center of the city-state stands the enormous estate of the Holy Church. This seat of the religion's authority consists of a large open grounds and the Grand Cathedral at its center. The Cathedral was built atop the ruins of the Aldamera castle, and as such contains a number of underground chambers and passages that descend below the city where much of the clergy and priesthood live, as well as the training grounds for both new Clerics and Paladins in the Church's employ. It's said that the underground chambers may even connect to the catacombs.

Holy Church Points of Interests

Grand Cathedral (Church): The seat of the Holy Church and the home of the Grand Cleric. It has a large underground complex that is home to the cleric training program, the paladin orders, and the archives.   Garden of the Gods (Landmark): A large garden near the entrance of the Grand Cathedral that is encircled by statues representing the nine Gods of Order.   Sepulcher of Kings (Graveyard): A separate entrance to the Catacombs beneath the city that leads to a private tomb where it is said that the kings and queens of Aldamere were buried, now alongside the former Grand Clerics as well.   Guardian's Tears: A pond on the eastern side of the central ring.

The Catacombs

Beneath the city of Triswell there is a labyrinth of subterranean graves and tombs where the city keeps its dead. Normally the deceased are cremated and the ashes are placed in a small stone box in the walls of the Catacombs. However, more elaborate burial places can be purchased or granted by the Holy Church for persons of interest or those who have done a great deed for the church. The Catacombs have also become something of a safe haven for the less savory elements of Triswell society, so much so that the Paladins of the Church have locked down all street level entrances to the catacombs except one. Located in Coinsgate of the Golden Ring, this lone public entrance is watched closely by the city guard.

The Outer Rings

The "Outer Rings" refers to the large swaths of land beyond the walls of Triswell, but inside the Ring - the large wall at the edge of the Central Rings region. These lands are dedicated to farming and the raising of cattle. Almost every square foot is assigned to some manner of farm or orchard. The remnants of the Night of Ashes had the unintended side effect of provided a rich soil in the region that aids in the cultivation of crops. People who live in the Outer Rings belong to a separate taxation class than those in the city proper. They are ordered to provide 60% of their annual product to the Church for redistribution among the populace, and the remaining 40% is theirs to keep and either eat or sell as they see fit. Commonly, these farmers will travel to Easthaven for the Harvest Festival to sell their goods and make some coin for their families.

Other Information


  • Humans (35%)
  • Halflings (33%)
  • Dwarves (12%)
  • Gnomes (8%)
  • Other (12%)


  • Triswell
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Holy City, Tris-Hell
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location