Onigoden Rex (Oh-Knee-Go-Den Wrecks)

Onigoden Rex

The Acolyte of the Metal Lord, the Worlds Walker, the Greatest Show - there are many titles which are attributed to the being known as Onigoden Rex. A mysterious figure who has walked the world from ages past to ages yet to come, or a consummate liar and fan of intoxicating consumables.  There really was no way to tell whether the tiefling was just lying or really did do all the unbelievable things that he has claimed.  The only real truth that is known about Onigoden Rex is that he was one-of-a-kind.  From the strange frighteningly savage music that he composed, to the dark powers that he commanded with it - no one else has ever seen anything else like it on the face of the Great Disc.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Onigoden had a stocky muscular build with wide shoulders that tapered to a moderate width waist.

Body Features

Onigoden's body was home to a variety of frequently changing tattoos and markings.

Facial Features

Onigoden wore an eyepatch over his left eye.  It is unknown whether he actually was missing the eye or simply enjoyed the mystique it brought to his persona.  He claimed on more than one occasion that it was to keep the Dark Demon King that he trapped in his left eye after he won a music battle against it from escaping into the Material Plane.  There is no medical evidence to show that this is the case.

Specialized Equipment

Onigoden wielded a strange stringed instrument similar to a lute he called a "Gi-Tar" that he claimed was gifted to him from his 'Metal Lord'.  He dubbed the instrument the Infernal Axe and could it use it as both an instrument and a heavy axe in melee combat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

If Onigoden was to be believed, he was born on another world or another untouched part of the Great Disc, in either the distant past or distant future.  He was whisked from place to place by 'The Metal Lord' to spread his dark and twisted melodies across the multiverse.  None of this could be verified by the Church's clerics, but nothing he said could be disproven either.  He has made claims of things like traveling to 'an even greater disc at the center of everything' or 'a world where machines are jammed into people's skulls' and even the outlandish claim of one visiting a city 'that was built inside a donut'.   Making Onigoden's claims even more credulous was the fact that the man never shied away from alcohol or a number of banned narcotics that he would 'seize' on missions.  Drug induced conspiracies of winged almiraj who stole his beer when he turned his head or tiny elephants of various hues that would need shoo-ing out from the XIIIth Orders barracks at 2 in the morning.  It made it easy for most to simply assumed his stories would just be further ideas sprouted from an addled imagination.  But he would also vanish - seemingly without trace - for long periods of time, only the reappear right when he was needed for a mission.  He claimed that his reappearance was never coincidence and he (or his 'Metal Lord') knew he was needed back.   He was recruited into the XIIIth Order in the year 5A231, which would make Onigoden over 60 years old, but he appears to be no older than in his late 20's.  How he was recruited was never noted in his documents, but Commander Cosan Coalcrush who was the acting secretary at the time has stated that it was 'a mutual agreement of shared interests' and no one remembers anything else about that night.


Onigoden stated that he was openly pansexual and had no preference in gender or species.


Religious Views

Onigoden is a devout follower of what he calls 'The Metal Lord'.  This is often regarded by peers and superiors to simply be another name for The Devil who has been historically depicted in metallic armor and would usually wield fire against his foes in stories and scripture.  Onigoden never disputed this interpretation, and - in his usual aloof nature - never confirmed it either.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Unknown, Presumed Dead
Date of Birth
Red and Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
154 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let's Rock!"
The Metal Lord ( Rengulus ?)
Aligned Organization