
The Cryptwings are a cult of Grave Clerics who believe in the ritual culling of life to bolster the forces of The King of Crows for a future cataclysmic battle they believe is drawing near. Their membership is mostly made of unhinged criminals and serial killers who are drawn to the zealous cause of killing in a holy cause.   Their activities usually involve murder, and then the mutilation and preservation of the remains. Despite the grizzly habits, the Cryptwings are staunchly opposed the the practice of Necromancy and believe the dead, once they are dead, are the property of the King of Crows alone.  


Their symbol is a crow skull surround by eight circling birds (assumed to be crows as well). This represents the Prince of Crows and the 8 members of the Murder. This could also represent the King of Crows (being the representation of True Neutral in the Gods of Order), with the other 8 gods surrounding him.


Prince/Princess of Crows: The leader of the cult
Murder: The 8 members of the Inner Circle
Talons: Cell members underneath each member of the Murder. Usually 1-5 in number.


The cult was founded in 5A103 by Gandlis Varob, the great-grandfather of the current Prince of Crows Alexei Varob.  It is said to have roots in the eastern faiths of the Starhaven region before the valleys fell to the Mists following the 5th Great Conjunction.

Mythology & Lore

The Infinite War is coming. The Gods will wage war against horrors unknown and will need an army of souls to power their war machine lest all of creation will fall to the external and internal threats. In order to provide these souls to the Gods of Order, the Gravewings seek to cull society to provide them.

Cosmological Views

The Cryptwings believe that the universe is a ticking clock leading to eventual destruction by external forces from beyond the Great Disc. They believe the Gods of Order are all that stand between the the Disc's destruction and this threat.


The primary religious practice is ritual sacrifices made to the King of Crows.  This is done once a month when the Black Moon of Limbo is at its apex.   Talons are encouraged to continue their "culling" outside of the monthly sacrifice in order to continue sending souls to the King of Crows.


The leaders of the cult have almost always been of the noble Varob family. Their influence keeps the cult safe from 'misunderstandings' with the law.   Below the Varobs, are the Murder, a collective of clerics that form the inner circle of the Gravewings.   Each member of the Murder has a cell known as the Talons. These cells consists of the faithful or the willingly depraved.

Live. Die. Fight.

Religious, Cult
Notable Members