Primus (Pr-eye-muss)

Piram'inarium'ustel Kammiloquitore (a.k.a. Primus)

Primus is a Water Genasi who claims to come from the Underworld. They chose to embrace their elemental nature and forsake more and more of their humanoid traits through various arcane rituals and relics. They joined the XIIIth Order in the year 5A187 thus making them one of the older members of the current roster of the organization.   Their quest to alter their own body with magic to achieve a 'perfect' elemental form has given Primus a masterful understanding of both transmutation and enchantment magics.  While their ability to bring devastation on their opponents is not to be underestimated, Primus has been able to weave together complex layers of spellcraft to alter the properties of even the most simplistic objects to turn them into dangerous threats all on their own.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Primus' physical form is shaped like a male humanoid body but is entirely made of arcanely charged liquid similar to a water elemental.

Facial Features

Primus has removed any facial features other than their eyes.  This was a cosmetic choice on their part to strive toward their "perfection".

Identifying Characteristics

A body made up of blue liquid shaped into a humanoid form.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Primus' history is based entirely on their own claims.  There is no official record of them existing before the time they joined the XIIIth Order. According to them, they were born in the Underworld in a convent of Genasi under the influence and in the service of Okianos, the Plane of Water.  However their desire to become more like the elementals that ruled over their people, they found an elven relic and used it to tear open a gateway to the Great Disc's surface.  Once they had access to the Disc's long history of arcane magic free from oversight by elementals and primordials, Primus began seeking out more and more ways to augment their form.   Eighty years ago, Primus approached the Holy Church and offered their services to the XIIIth Order.  Stunned by both their knowledge and magical prowess, and put on the defensive by Primus already knowing about the Church's secret order, the Church welcomed the Genasi on the agreement of giving them access to the Church's archives to seek out further ways to alter their physiology.

Gender Identity

Primus claims that they were born a 'Male' Genasi, but as their body approaches closer and closer to their 'perfection' they abandoned the concept of gender like the elementals they strive to mimic.


Despite having no formal education, Primus is a brilliant academic who trained themselves on sought out ancient texts and tomes.

Personality Characteristics


Primus driving goal above all else has been to seek out their 'perfect form' by ascending to a pure elemental.
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
The Underworld
Long ponytail of blue-green tendrils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Clearish blue
128 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Primordial, Elven, Dwarven, Aquan
Ruled Locations