Nirvana, Plane of Law

Nirvana, sometimes called the Mechanical Nirvana, is the Cardinal Plane of Law. Nirvana is defined by everything being in perfect harmony and balance - light and dark, heat and cold, all six elements - working together like a heavenly machine. Concepts like fantasy, illusion, dreams and passion do not exist in Nirvana, and individualistic thinking is consider a threat to the harmony of the great clockwork of the cosmos.   The layout of the plane is made up of interlocking gears that are the size of entire countries, all turning in synchronicity. At the heart of the machine is the realm of Primus, the first domain and the center hub that moves all the other gears. It has been said that Primus is itself the heart of an ancient precursor being that brought forth order in the multiverse before the coming of the gods.   Like the other Cardinal Planes, it is not bound to simply a single universe along the branches of the Worlds Tree, and is instead bound to the Concordant, the eternal wheel of time and space that holds Yggdrasil at its center. This means Nirvana exists in and is connected to all  


The servants, known as Modron, are the only native inhabitants to the plane of law.  The Modron are divided into two groups: The Radix Modron and the Exponential Modron. Radix Modron are sentient automatons who are capable of completing greater and more complex tasks the more sides their central form has, with the simplest being the Monodrones and the most complex being the Pentadrones.  The populations of the Radix Modron are strictly enforced across Nirvana. They also adhere the following formula: Population of Next Higher Caste = # Population of Caste / (# of Sides of Caste + # of Sides of Next Higher Caste). So for example, when calculating the population of Tridrones, you would take the population of Duodrone (100 million), the population of Tridrone's would be 100,000,000 / (2+3) or 20 million Tridrones active.  

Radix Modron Population Chart

Modron Population
Monodrone 300,000,000
Duodrone 100,000,000
Tridrone 20,000,000
Quadrone 2,857,142
Pentadrone 317,460
  Unlike the lesser Radix, the Exponential Modron are lifeforms that have have evolved beyond geometric shapes, taking on similar appearances to normal organic life and in the case of the Secundi, the highest class of Modron, they are nigh indistinguishable from an organic with their body consisting of so many geometric polygons that the average onlooker would only see a smooth surface in lieu of the various shapes that comprise it.  The Exponentials are tasked with the more complex tasks that require greater calculations, more diverse thought, and advanced problem solving.  The population of Exponentials, lives up to their name with there only ever being their rank to their rank's power number of modron.  For example, the Secundi are the second highest rank beneath the One, and there are 2^2 or 4 of them.  The Hexton are the sixth highest rank, and thus there are 6^6 or 36 of them in Nirvana.  

Exponential Modron Population Chart

Modron Rank Population
Decaton 100
Nonaton 81
Octon 64
Septon 49
Hexton 36
Quinton 25
Quarton 16
Tertian 9
Secundus 4

The Inevitable

The Inevitable are not a sentient race that dwells within Nirvana, but constructed beings designed to enforce violations of law & order in the multiverse. Be it "a deal must be kept," "the guilty must be punished" or "all living things must die eventually,"  when all other alternatives have been exhausted - Nirvana deploys an inevitable.  The inevitables themselves take on various shapes or designs, but they are unstoppable, nigh unkillable, and are wholly devoted to their singular task.  Once their task is complete, they would often remain in that singular spot - for centuries if need be - until they receive a new task or witness a transgression of the law they are meant to enforce.

Realm of the One

The ruler of Nirvana is a being that is not considered a God but rather a living primal force of the multiverse.  It is known most often by its formal title, The One, or by its name: Primus.  Primus' natural domain is within the great central cog of Primus, which is said to be the remnants of the force's last physical form destroyed during the Twilight War and the being that now occupies the position of primal force is the heart of the original Primus, bound to the central cog by its servants at the end of the war.


The plane is an infinite expanse of interlocking gears and cogs, some as small as a building with others the size of countries. Each piece of the machine has its own gravity and orientation.


Since nearly all citizens of the Great Machine are mechanical in some fashion, there is not any inherent greenery across the cogs & gears. A few scattered greenhouses for production purposes.  The weather is permanently fixed at 70 degrees, and the skies are full of a copper-like colored mist that extends out endlessly, with nothing but hints and visions of more gears and machines turning on beyond it.


Like all Cardinal Planes, Nirvana has existed as long as the Concordant. Which is to say that it always has existed.  In that time, the ruler of the plane has always been Primus, albeit in many forms as his physical body is said to be bound to the Great Machine or in some cases IS the Great Machine.   Every 17th rotation of the Prime Gear, of which it takes 17 years to rotate and thus every 289 years, thousands of Modron depart Nirvana and enter the Concordant through the Planar Gate.  They then begin the process of marching clockwise around the Concordant to every other Planar Gate and visiting each of the outer planes bound there.  The intent of this ritual is unknown, but like most things in Nirvana, it will happen regardless.
Alternative Name(s)
Clockwork Nirvana, The Great Machine, The Law Lands
Plane of Existence
Location under