Red Lark

The town of Red Lark was a waystop on the Stone Road seventeen days south of Ashfall, and was located at the intersection of three trails. One trail led to the village of Tarrin, another to town of Blackbough, and the third ran into the hills to derelict, monster-infested keeps dating back to the late days of the Third Age. The town was named for the local native species of bird that settles in the Saaraden Valley.


During the golden days of the Fourth Age, the town boasted one hundred bowmen who would defend the town.  Now the job has fallen to a single constable and his four part-time assistants.

Industry & Trade

Red Lark was known for its nourishing, though otherwise non-noteworthy food, called crumblecake. Crumblecakes were made into moist loaves from nuts, chickpea mash, chopped roots and greens, turkey and wildfowl scraps, all baked together.


The town itself sits along the Stone Road that connects the Gold Road and the city-state of Ashfall. Other notably connecting roads are the Hollow Road, which leads to the Deephollow, and The Bough & Wyvernway Paths that lead to the southern and northern sides of the Wyvernwold forest respectively.

Guilds and Factions

With the town being along the Stone Road, many of the Realmwide Factions have an active presence in the town.  Some obvious, others less so.  However, the Adventurer's Guild does not have an office here, leading those seeking costly help to send a message or make the weeks long trek southward to Heroes' Vigil to post a request for aid.


The town was named after the local native bird that nests in the valley. Wearing the feathers of the Red Lark became a signifer of being a hunter from the town.  This caught on and many residents will routinely wear red clothing or clothes decorated with Red Lark feathers.

Points of interest


  • Ultak's, a tool shop, barber and small unofficial tavern for locals only. It's owned and operated by Marlando Ultak (male Yhusonite Human).
  • Blackhand Arms, a weapon shop run by Blackhand (male Half-Orc).
  • Myarawen's Poultry, the oldest poulterer in Red Lark run by Minthra "Minny" Myarawen (female Wyvernfolk Human)
  • Basilton's Safe Travels, a wagon shop run by Thorsk Basilton (male Crestlander Human) and his partner Asdan Basilton (male Crestlander Human).
  • Valla's Sundries, a small shop selling new and used items run by Endrith Valla (male Yhusonite Human).
  • Chansir's Fine Harnesses, operated by Phaendra Chansir (female Marcher Human).
  • Tallarn's, one of the best clothing shops in the Borderlands. Run by Helvur Tallarn (male Yhusonite Human) and his wife Maegla (female Marcher Human).
  • Louta's Bakery, run by Makobarga Louta (male Ashfallen Human).
  • Tantorra Smithy, operated by Eldras Tantorra (male Marcher Human) and his son and two daughters.
  • Drouka Fine Poulty, run by Nahali Drouka (female Yhusonite Human).
  • Jalessa Oranna (female Crestlander Human) who serves as the town's butcher, her building is also shared by Harburk Torthmarril (male Yhusonite Human) who serves as the town constable along with his four deputies who also work for Jalessa as cutters and packers.
  • Dolen Finestone, the office for the Dolen Quarry run by Elak Dolen (male Yhusonite Human).
  • Haeleeya's, a bathhouse and dress shop operated by Haeleeya Handroon (female Brighter Human).
  • Wolvur's Wagon Works, a cheaper alternative to Basilton's operated by Ilmeth Wolvur (male Crestlander Human)
  • Maliko Stoneworks, the dilapated office of another local quarry operated by Albaeri Maliko (female Crestlander Human).
  • Luru's Tannery, a former warehouse turned into an operation for tanning hides run by Ulhro Luru (male Ashfallen Human).
  • Belthander's Storage, a warehouse operated by Aerego Belthander (male Yhusonite Human).


  • Helm at High Day, a taverned favored by locals. Operated by Garlen Horthal (male Yhusonite Human).


  • Mudtracks Inn, operated by Kaylessa Irkoll (Female Crestlander Human).
  • Mother Yanna's, a boarding house run by "Mother" Yanna Dreen (female Yhusonite Human)
  • Sword's Rest: a three-story inn favored by adventurers. Owned by the Orkell Family of Yhuson.


  • Shrine of the Holy Church, a non-specific shrine dedicated to the pantheon of the Gods of Order. Maintained by Imdar Relvaunder (male Trissian Human) and Lymmura Auldark (female Ringer Human).

The Market

The Market is a large open area on the East side of town where various travelling merchants and smaller businesses are permitted to establish temporary stalls to sell their wares.  It is also used to host events and festivities for the town.


The town was located atop a low ridge along the western edge of the Saaraden Valley.


  • Red Lark
Inhabitant Demonym

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