The Borderlands

The Borderlands is the region outside and in between the established city-states of the Lower Realms.  It encompasses the majority of the Lower Realms as it currently stands, but due to the dangers present, settlements and villages are few and far between.  Still those who dwell outside the city walls are hard working survivors who have carved out a way of life in the Borderlands.

Larger Settlements in The Borderlands

  • Sinner's Rest
  • Easthaven
  • Dhol Turim
  • Nagdun
  • Tor Eath
  • Toth Verold
  • Tarrin
  • Pirn
  • Lakebreeze
  • Rivercrest
  • Lunaris
  • Wealdstone
  • Blackbough
  • Village of Beginnings

Notable Locations

Heroes Vigil

Heroes' Vigil is a large keep about 2 weeks out from the western gates of Triswell.  It is the headquarters of the Adventurers Guild and the Rangers.  It is overseen by Castellan Ferec Weldig.  

The Chaos Scar

The Chaos Scar is the site of a the battle the remnants of Aldamere's forces fought the Avatar of Yeenoghu and its gnoll army after the Night of Ashes.  Stories say that the heart of the Avatar of Yeenoghu still sleeps beneath the stone of the Scar, which is why is corrupts the land around it.  


The fabled fortress of Quesquetron is a lost relic of the early 4th Age.  Once the fortress of Serah Sylverstorm and Isaac Blackbourne, two of The Twelve Legendary Heroes.  However, the fortress was destroyed and sank into the earth during the battles after the Night of Ashes.  No one to this day has ever located it.  


Hundreds of years ago, this was the keep used by the royal knights to keep an eye on activity in the The Southern Wilds.  It was the first location that fell on the Night of Ashes.  Hundreds of trained knights murdered within minutes.  Since then the site has been abandoned and left to rot.  There's an occasional adventurer expedition that far south to try and see if there's anything good to plunder from the ruins, but the location makes such adventures few and rarely profitable with the cost to reach the ruin.  

Domylolym Ruins

Domylolym was a thriving halfling city in the south-west.  It was one of the few places in the world during the 4th Age that opened its gates to both the people of Aldamere and the Beast and Monster races of the Southern Wilds.  But during the Night of Ashes, the followers of Yeenoghu did not spare the city.  Those who survived either fled to Yhuson or across Lake Gwinyhm to found the village of Lakebreeze.  Their descendents do not extend the same trust to the Wilds as their ancestors did.  A number of monster tribes and clans now use Domylolym as a base of operations.  

Ironmast Isle

A ways off the coast of Yhuson, you can find the Ironmast Isle.  This is the ancestral home to a clan of adventurous sea-faring dwarves who now sit in the seat of one of the Big Three in Yhuson.  While Captain Corrik Ironmast III handles the affairs on the land, it's rumored that the unseen matriarch of Clan Ironmast rules from the Isle to this day.  

Temple of Elements

Once a large temple dedicated to the worship of the Gods of Chaos and the Elemental Princes, the site was destroyed during the Age of Heroes when a cult worshipping a dark primordial began to assemble an army, calling forth marauders and soldiers from across Andu'ra to ally to their cause.  

The Unarith

If one were to stand on the western shore of the Lower Realms and peer as far out as one possibly could with the eyes of a hawk, you might glimpse the strangest of sights - a tower sticking up from water's surface.  This is the Unarith, a mysterious site of Elven make that is hypothesized to date back to the Age of the Star and the height of Elven domination of the Disc.  Unfortunately, its never been confirmed as no one has ever successfully made it inside and if they did, they didn't survive.  


Deephollow is only known direct gateway from the surface of the Great Disc straight down into the Deep.  The story goes that at some point in either the 3rd or 4th Age, it was being used as a mine.  But one day the tunnels began to collapse, and then those triggered another collapse, and another.  Once everything was said and done, the mine was gone but in its place was a quarter of a mile wide hole that descended directly down into the Deep.  

The Wyvernwold

The Wyvernwold is a massive forest that covers much of the northern crest of the Lower Realms.  Filled with dense trees that date back to the Second Age if not older, stories say that such forests were widespread across the Realm before the Night of Ashes destroyed so much of the land.  The Wyvernwold is also the natural habitat of a great number of beasts and monstrosities, travelers are urged to beware.  

Shae Tirmindon

Hidden deep within the Wyvernwold behind a treacherous and tangled maze of thorny growths lies Shae Tirmindon, an elvish tower from the Second Age.  Adventurers from all over have attempted to pierce the maze and gain entrance to the tower, but few ever make it.  Those who have walked away with items that gained them immense wealth, but refuse to speak about what they saw inside the tower.  

Skywhisper Monastary

High in the mountains above Brighthurst sits the Skywhisper Monastary, the home of the Hikasoha Monks.  Founded in the Fourth Age by a strange sage who traveled the Disc looking for enlightenment.  The Monks believe in channeling the "light within" to perform acts.  This has natural put them at odds with the Holy Church, a great concern for the church but not the monks who seem to not care about the political tension.  

Lightreach Temple

In modern times, the term 'paladin' is used to describe a soldier in the Holy Church's orders but long ago a Paladin was something strikingly different.  They were blade and shield of a god and were beholden solely their divine master, and Lightreach Temple was where they lived, trained, and worshiped. The Temple was destroyed during the conflict with the dragons during the Third Age, but parts of the Temple have been preserved and rebuilt for archaeological purposes and religious pilgrimages.  Since the paladins have been absorbed into the church proper and now serve the Grand Cleric, no one lives within Lightreach.  


The Ghost Tower of Khairux is said to only appear on the rare night when all five moons appear full.  It's unknown whether it was part of a wizards experiment, or some ancient remnant of elvish design. While it often appears in the mountains south of Brighthurst, it has also appeared in a number of other locations across the Realms.  The tower's appearance is often considered an ill-omen as the outpouring of spirits and ghosts from within terrorize the areas surrounding where it appears.  


The valley and village of Starhaven are only assumed to still exist.  Early in the 5th Age, the valley was blanketed in a thick mist. Since then, no one has left the valley.  Anyone who goes into the mists are never seen again.  The only person to ever leave has been the ruler of the valley - Lord Barnabas Requiem, and even then it is usually only to offer threats to or demands of the city-states.  

Naran Alora

Months from anywhere, settled in a field with no name it has such little importance, resides a short stairway that leads to a door under the ground.  This is the entrance to Naran Alora, a massive and dangerous underground facility created by Elven artificers during the height of the 2nd Age.  There are tales and stories throughout Lunaris about the horrors that dwell in the chambers of Naran Alora - and all of them end the same way: "And they were never heard from again".  

Other Information


When the Kingdom of Aldamere fell at the end of the 4th Age, the vast majority of the kingdom's lands were left without support or aid.  The few larger cities each walled themselves up and declared themselves independent city-states, only accountable to themselves.  This left the regions of the Lower Realms not under the banner of one of the city-states without any jurisdiction or ownership.  The result was that the people of this unruled region - The Borderlands - would govern themselves, with each town electing their own leadership and handling their own affairs.   This has allow left much of the region undeveloped and free for monsters, beasts, and all manner of threats to develop and grow.  Defenses are slim across the Borderlands, but for many there isn't a choice of where to live.  This is their home and they will defend it.  Fortunately, the adventurers guild and the rangers both are willing to offer their aid.  The Rangers operate in the wild area of the Borderlands with hopes of curtailing beastial threats and managing nature, where as the Adventurers Guild offers the services of their countless adventurers in exchange for coin.
Lower Realms
Alternative Name(s)
The Frontier, The Untamed
Location under
Included Locations

Articles under The Borderlands