Seculatus (Sek-You-Lot-Us)

The Whisper

Seculatus, referred to by the Holy Church as 'The Whisper' or 'Secretkeeper', is one of the nine Gods of Order.   Seculatus is the sister and opposing force to The Word and is in constant struggle with them for the control of knowledge.  The Whisper deals in secrets, dangerous arcane secrets, forbidden truths, and forgotten wisdom.  She teaches that such knowledge must be kept guarded because knowledge is a path to power and to share it is to diminish your own power base.   Many of her followers also actively worship Veritrina and believe that their constant struggle is a symbol of how neither force should win and that some knowledge should be shared and some should be kept secret. Many secret cults operate in the name of Seculatus and she is often considered the patron god of necromancers.  Like the Word, she is one of the few Gods that have found a place in the halls of academia like Brighthurst.   The Holy Church symbolizes Seculatus with a closed eye on a book or scroll.  Her typical offerings are a tome or scroll burned in a brazier, sects devoted to the Whisper claim that the more rare and unique the scroll or tome the more powerful the offering in the eyes of Seculatus.

Other Cultures

The Southern Wilds

In the Wilds, The Whisper is known as the Scroll Seeker.  She is viewed more so as a deity that rules over the undead and holds the secrets to raising them.  Like the Father of Lies, she is partial to making deals and exchanges, often trading a secret or lost lore for a forbidden truth.  Because of this, those her bear her sign of a blindfolded skull are often viewed as manipulative, treacherous and above all powerful.


To the Dragonborn, Seculatus is regarded as the blue tongue of one of the heads of Io the World Dragon called Ulyagpa (Ool-yahg-pah).  Ulyagpa is the manipulator and whisperer that controls from behind the scenes.  She deals in secrets that can destroy a man with the mere utterance of the words.  A powerful figure who rules over the Arkoshian Ulharix clan with her forbidden knowledge of the arcane arts.  Her symbol is a forked tongue in a circle mimicking an ouroboros.  

Dwarven Faith

The Old Ways of the Dwarves do not have a place or active worship for Seculatus.  Some her tenets and practices have been combined with the Word's in the form of the Dwarven God known as the Rune Mother.  The Rune Mother's symbol is the rune for 'Magic'.  

The Path of Udira'ja

In the Kingdom of Ciethe, the Whisper is not actively acknowledged as a God as those who walk the Parth of Udira'ja do not believe in evil aligned Gods and instead choose to believe that evil is something only born in mortal hearts and minds.  

Other Information

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Trickery


The Seeker's Eye
The Book of Vile Darkness

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Tome of the Church

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A closed eye on a book or scroll

Tenets of Faith

1. Knowledge is power. Power is freedom. To share knowledge is to make yourself a slave.
2. There are no limits to what is acceptable to learn. Nothing is forbidden.
3. Seek out the truths that have been forgotten. Do not bend to those who control the story.


Tomespyre (5th of New Dusk)
The Feast of the Gods (10th of Low Day)
The month of New Night is considered The Silent Mass and is seen as Seculatus' month of observance.
Divine Classification
God of Order
Neutral Evil