Silvox (Sill-vocks)

The Spring Child

Silvox, referred to by the Holy Church as 'The Spring Child' or 'Sproutseed' is one of the nine Gods of Order.   The Spring Child is often depicted as a young man, or sometimes a halfling or gnome, with green skin, garbed in leaves, and surrounded with animals. Sometimes he is confused with the Green Warden, a giant dwarven-looking demigod charged by Silvox with looking after the Feywild, but Silvox rarely enters the Fey directly due to the nature of the Veil.   Silvox is the embodiment of the natural world and all its laws and oversees the cycle of the seasons.  His virtues are more built around keeping the natural world in order and the teaches that nature - while seemingly made of Chaos - is actually the perfect embodiment of order and ruled by intricate clockwork-like systems that make the world work.   Offerings made to the Spring Child are usually the planting of a seed in the soil and drawing a circle in the dirt around it. It's become popular to do this near - but not within - a fairy ring of mushrooms if one is available, but this practice is not required to make an offering.  

Other Cultures

Southern Wilds

In the Wilds, Silvox is openly worshipped as Greenwalker and is viewed as one of the major gods of the pantheon on par with Speaker of Law and is commonly stated to be the patron deity of all beastkin. There have been reports of entire temples made by multiple different races in tribute to the Greenwalker where as most of the Holy Church's pantheon is represented by crude shrines.  


The dragonborn of Arkhosia worship the the Spring Child as Chuaji (Shoo-ah-gee) the Green Madness. Chuaji is said to the the little emerald horn of Io the World Dragon and unlike most depictions of the deity, He is not regarded in a positive light by the dragonborn but as a force of unrelenting growth that must be equally tempered as the savage Chaos, hence the 'Green Madness'.  The priests of Arkhosia teach that nature, while beautiful, carries within it the seeds of wild magic which can be just as dangerous and prone to abuse as any other form of magic.  

Dwarven Faiths

The Old Ways of the Dwarves do not actually recognize Silvox as one of their gods.  Some historians have speculated this is due to the Dwarves originating in the Deep where the 'natural world' is mostly stone and gems instead of trees and grass.  Many dwarves who still practice the Old Ways scoff at this idea of their history stating that mushrooms, moss, and various fungal growths still exist within the Deep.  

The Path of Udira'ja

The people of Udi'ra who follow the Crystal of Light worship Silvox as a minor deity called Karthala the Flower Dancer who, instead of being the steward of nature, is the personification of nature itself.  Bringing forth the flowers and green things every year with their wild dance and as they grow tired from their jubilation, the plants wither and die to usher in the winter when Karthala rests.  Interestingly, Karthala is not depicted as male or female in these teachings but as a constantly shifting entity that can be either or both sexes.  

Other Information

Divine Domains

Nature, Life, Light


The Ring of Winter
The Ring of Summer
Ephixis, Bow of Arborea

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Tome of the Church

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An ouroboros of a vine growing into a blooming flower with the vine growing from a seed in the flower.

Tenets of Faith

1. The Cycle of Nature is eternal and must remain unbroken.
2. Live in harmony with the wilds. Do not condemn or harm nature
3. Protect nature. The boots of civilization must not trample the green.


The Festival of the Sun (10th of High Day)
The Feast of the Gods (10th of Low Day)
The month of New Dawn is considered The Green Bloom and is seen as Silvox's month of observance.
Divine Classification
God of Order
Lawful Neutral