The Hermetic Path of Magic

The Hermetic Path is the more commonly observed practice of magic in The Lower Realms and the official method chosen to be taught at the Brighthurst Academy and Mages Guilds.   It is the opposing fiend of study to The Shamanistic Path.   The Hermetic Path is built on the principle that The Flow , the arcane power that trickles through the world from the Fey to the Fell, can be harnessed and channeled through spells and sigils that have been rigorously tested and practiced as a science. From the proper sounds to hand movements designed to channel the Flow into a particular outcome.   The roots of Hermetic Magic can be traced back to the studies and practices of the Ela'fin - the original Elven races that the High Elves, Wood Elves, and Drow all descended from - during the Second Age. This history has created great concern and even greater pressure from the Church to the Mages Guild to enforce guidelines and precautions since it is feared that such uses of magic may anger the Gods once more like the Second Punishment.