Zarjar Stoutfist (Zahr-Jar)

Gourmand Zarjar Stoutfist (a.k.a. Yeshef)

A legendary figure in the culinary world, whose contributions to the art of baking and cooking are unsurpassed in the history of the Great Disc, Zarjar Stoutfist is a Minotaur like no other.   Renown for traveling into the unknown lands beyond the shores of Andu'ra and returning with strange and mysterious recipes and ingredients, his stories were the favorites of adventurers and heroes of the time.   His recipe book remains enshrined in the Great Library of Brighthurst, with the various translations he made used as something of a rosetta stone to translating a number of languages from the Southern Wilds into common.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He was considered a bit over weight for a minotaur, but kept in decent shape due to his travels.

Identifying Characteristics

Zarjar's horns were cracked and broken about halfway down due to reasons mentioned below (See: Failures)

He was also said to have a long braided beard whenever he returned from travels, one that he shaved whenever returning to the kitchens back in the Lower Realms out of respect for his diners. However, at its maximum length it was said he would wrap it around his neck like a scarf to prevent it getting in the way of his cooking.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Zarjar came of age at 16 years old, he traveled to the Temple of the Elder Ones to determine his 'duty' as was tradition among many of the Southern Wilds Minotaurs. After three weeks of fasting and worship, he was said to have received a vision from the Greenwalker to seek out and learn about all the food in the world.  A strange duty, as many would become guardians or guides, but one does not question the Elder Gods.  With this duty guiding him, he left his homeland to seek out as many types of food he could sample.


Zarjar never took a mate, nor had any children.  It was often said that food was his one and only love.  Historians have remarked that Zarjar was both asexual and aromantic towards any living person.


Zarjar had no formal education. Beginning at 16, he worked in kitchens as a janitor and watched the chefs and cooks.  As he learned from them, he would begin to experiment and cook, training his nose and tongue to comprehend every flavor and texture.  His first time in formal education came when he 86 and was invited to teach a cooking class at the Aldamere Culinary Campus.

Failures & Embarrassments

Zarjar's greatest failing as a chef was "The Guarab'oll" - an attempt to fuse Ebi'ran blood cuisine with a pastry.  It was said to make over 200 eager diners horribly ill.  As atonement, he broke his horns and offered them to the restaurant. Many modern dining establishments in the 5th Age hang a pair of horns above their kitchen door to pay homage - although many would claim that they alone hold Zarjar's authentic horns.

Personality Characteristics


His desire was to become the Disc's greatest chef.  Like most minotaur's he was fixated on his duty to his dying day, which was spent transcribing his recipes into 10 different languages.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master Chef
The Adamantine Cook
Date of Birth
15 Low Sun, 4A 381
Date of Death
6 New Dawn, 4A 502
3881 AS 4002 AS 121 years old
Kol'dori, The Southern Wilds
Place of Death
Aldmerus, Aldamere
Dark brown, braided and tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Fur
340 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Eureka! A new recipe!"