
Haibali is a village in the Syd Mountains where refugees from the Herme Urwald were outrunning the Aire Alam. They settled after being denied, by the force of the wolverines and enforcement of the The Syd Herme Proclamation, access through the passes to the civilization and settlements on the western shore. Over the many years since the original outbreak of the Aire Alam several expeditions attempted to enter the urwald, only to find that after their initial supplies ran low, the expedition members became vulnerable to the condition once they started subsisting on native plants and animals. Some survivors of these fated expeditions, less than one in ten, found their way to Haibali and were welcomed to join the settlement.   Somewhat hidden on a small plateau in the east side of the Syd Mountain range, this settlement has survived on the meager agriculture and animal husbandry they can squeeze out of the arable land available. They have found that with each passing year, more and more of the land has become arable, The villagers have discovered a fairly consistent rate at which the land becomes usable again. They now actively manage these areas to bring more of the fauna from their settlement back down to the urwald forest floor in hopes of returning the whole urwald to its previous agricultural glory.   The settlement population struggles to increase while avoiding intermarriage and weakening the gene pool. This is why they are very welcoming to the rare outsiders they have encountered. The population is not immune to the effedcts of Aire Alam, but they have developed a vaccine and symtomatic treatments that have increased the survival rate to almost 50%.


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