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The Lady of the Mists

Leira is the goddess of deception and illusions, and the patroness of illusionists and liars. She is an enigma, never telling the truth when a falsehood would do. Everything she says and does is shrouded in layers of deceit.

Divine Domains

Divine: Trickery, Arcana
Arcane: Illusion

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist

Tenets of Faith

Leira's portfolio includes luck, lies, illusions, revelry, change, spies/thieves, and games. She blesses the deceitful and gamblers pray to her for luck. It's not uncommon to have a shrine to Leira in front of a gambling hall or house of chance. Her worshipers typically wear masks and only tell the truth to other Leirans. If there is any mist on a moonlit night, her followers would walk through it and pray. She is welcoming to those who wish to remain unseen, such as an order of rogues known as the Mistwalkers.  


"Luck favors the bold. Seize your own destiny by pursuing your passions."   "Rise against tyranny. Fight for your freedom, and inspire others to fight when you cannot."   "Let the shadows protect you from the burning light of fanatical good and the absolute darkness of evil."


Julbiltine 7th
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Female, but her likeness can shift and change
Ruled Locations


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