BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Limbo is a plane of pure chaos, a roiling soup of impermanent matter and energy. Stone melts into water, that freezes into metal, then turns into diamond that burns up into smoke that becomes snow, and on and on in an endless, unpredictable process of change. Fragments of more ordinary landscapes - bits of forest, meadow, ruined castles, and even burbling streams - drift through the disorder. The whole plane is a nightmarish riot.   Limbo conforms to the will of the creatures inhabiting it. Very disciplined and powerful minds can create whole islands of their own invention within the plane, sometimes maintaining those places for years. A simpleminded creature such as a fish, though, might have less than a minute before the pocket of water surrounding it freezes, vanishes, or turns to glass.


This plane is supreme chaos, a twisting, quicksilver place filled with bits and pieces of rocks, trees, the four elements, entire landscapes, strong winds, and random pockets of liquid, solid, or gas. Sentient beings can dampen down the chaos to livable levels and produce a safe environment as long as they maintain concentration. The size of a safe zone is directly related to the intelligence of the individual controller. Demigods and more powerful beings do not have this burden and indeed can create realms that survive even if they leave Limbo. Gravity operates only between solid objects that touch each other and has about the same strength as on the Material Plane. Thrown objects would fly straight until they hit a solid object. Objects with no momentum would hang in space until contacted by something solid. A creature can move up to its walking speed in any direction by merely thinking of the desired direction of travel.

Fauna & Flora

The slaadi live here and swim amid this chaos, creating nothing. Apparently unaffected by the natural chaos, they ride the chaos like surfers on the crest of a wave. Slaadi are very confrontational and appreciate power above all else.     The githzerai use Limbo to its fullest extent. The githzerai tend to have very powerful minds which they use to control large areas of Limbo, creating land masses, buildings, and even plants and animals. At any given settlement, the githzerai have at least a few aurachs (those capable of maintaining order in Limbo without using their full attention/concentration). These aurachs keep the settlement together with breathable atmosphere.
Dimensional plane


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