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The Sword of Justice

Tyr (pronounced TEER) is potrayed as blind or with a bloody bandage over his eyes, and missing his right hand. His wounded eyes were seen as symbolic of "blind justice" and the sometimes cost of living a lawful life. He is usually shown as a burly, noble warrior with a powerful build and a bearded face.   Tyr is strong-spirited and considered the bravest and most-honorable of the pantheon. He is primarily concerned with the punishing of wrong-doers, and the general furthering of law and good in the world. He hates duplicity, trickery, rule-breaking, and wanton destruction. He likewise hates lies and the breaking of oaths, and is disgusted by persons who earned from such things. For his own part, he would never break a promise.   He is a fair judge, but can be hard to understand to those outside of his faith as they more readily perceive him as a stern and rigid punisher. On the other hand, he is seen as a brave father-figure to his followers.

Divine Domains

Divine: War, Forge
Arcane: Abjuration

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Balanced scales resting on a war hammer

Tenets of Faith

Tyr's portfolio includes courage, self-sacrifice, chivalry, valor, sport, strength, battle, victory, protection, and judgement. He blesses Paladins and punishes wrong-doers. Among Tyr's worshipers are judges, lawyers, magistrates, and the oppressed. Those that worship him will respect their fallen enemies and view slaying evil as worthy of honor. He is followed by an order of paladins known as The Hammers of Justice.   The highly organized church of Tyr is known for never refusing service or aid to the faithful when they are in distress. Their temples function as courts and followers are expected to show fairness, wisdom, and kindness to the innocent.  


"Uphold and promote loyalty to family, loyalty to clan, and loyalty to your people."   "Aid those who are without guide. Protect those who are without hope."   "Smite evil wherever it is found, and bring judgement to those who stray from righteousness."


Mayana 3rd - Shieldmeet
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Ruled Locations


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