Marshal Vendri Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Marshal Vendri

Marshal Nestra Vendri is an old soldier and Kalaman's military forces commander. Born and raised in the Hinterlund, Vendri has lived a hard and honest life. The lines on his face and the depths in his eyes speak to his decades of experience and a life filled with hard choices. He never sought his position as Kalaman's military commander but serves out of a sense of duty and the practical knowledge that no one else (at least right now) can do what he's shown skill and talent in.   Though the city is elated by the recent victory against the Red Dragon Army, Vendri is cautious. Some would say he is downright pessimistic, unwilling to celebrate the victory for fear of the Dragon Army's return.   Vendri is relieved to serve under Mayor Amdis Kinspring, not because he particularly likes the man, but because Vendri did not enjoy the responsibility of governing the city in the interim between when Lord Soth murdered the previous mayor and when the new mayor was elected. He also tries not to think too hard about how quickly the new mayor won the city's favor. Vendri is a simple soldier. He's no politician and is happy to leave that role to someone else.
Status: Active
Disposition: Friendly
Species: Solamnic Human

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