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Baron Heinrich Veedt

Baron Heinrich Veedt is the Baron of Elstra in the Kingdom of Draigenmore .  He has been Baron since 1453, which he rested power from the Baroness Luna Kurstan.  Veedt produced a series of documents that proved that he had a legitimate claim to the title…or at the very least he has doctored good enough ones to pass inspection. He did gain the approval and sanction of K'ylln (and therefore indirectly, Queen Angela Blackwood  and so he had their support.  Baroness Kurstan had her share of followers and has inspired a rebellion of sorts and has been fighting Veedt's forces for the last two years.   Veedt has kept this insurrection relatively quiet.    In 1455, Veedt captured Kurstan.  She was rescued and returned to her group of rebels by the adventuring party, The Eternal Fools, who had infiltrated Veedt's birthday celebration posing as bards with the group of performers known as Clan Tynker.  Veedt personally was not aware of either group's involvement in the rescue.  It is further believed that both Clan Tynker and The Eternal Fools were working for the Night Owl Guild, who had previously been selling arms, supplies, and mercenaries to both sides of the rebellion.  Kurstan's imprisonment had slowed business.   Veedt is an incredibly vain and paranoid man.


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