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Breland was first established in 252 A.D. It was at this time, after the Great Dragon War that the kingdom of Draigenmore split into the individual Kingdoms of Blackwood and Breland. Breland at this time consisted of more land than it does now. What had been Northern Draigenmore was known as the South Hand of Breland , what is now Northland was known as the North Hand of Breland and what is now Breland was known as the Heart of Breland . All three territories were ruled by one King. In 1320 A.D. the South Hand of Breland was conquered by Blackwood. It remained part of Blackwood's kingdom until 1347 A.D. when the Border Wars ended with Breland annexing back the South Hand of Breland. In 1375 A.D. after the Second Great Dragon War , Breland once again became part of the Kingdom of Draigenmore.   In 1435 A.D. Breland, along with the new Kingdom of Northland, split from Draigenmore. The Kingdom of Breland now consists entirely of what had previously been the Heart of Breland.   Breland is ruled by King Seamus Breland and Queen Marion . They had one daughter, Nora Breland who passed away in 1445 A.D. at the age of three. King Seamus' brother is King Liam Breland , ruler of Northland. King Seamus rules from the capital city of Lothian in Breland Castle   The Breland banner is Red/Blue with two crossed axes.   Ruler structure: King/Queen > Lord/Lady Regent > Duke/Duchess (keeps/castles/holdfasts) > Earls (towns/large lands) > Baron/Baroness (villages.)   Places of Interest: Stonepass Keep : Ruled by Duke Tomas Helgan   Greykeep : Ruled by Duke Ebin Leonid   Gate River Keep : Ruled by Duchess Lucia Fox   River Keep : Ruled by Duchess Kathrynn Kitt   Hammet : Ruled by Earl Wilhelm Lubock   Norfolk : Ruled by Earl William Hunt   Nottham : Ruled by Earl Ivana Tress   Southham : Ruled by Earl Jorgun Vinham   Rivertree : Ruled by Baroness Illina Von Kriss     The main religion in Breland is The Circle of Seven .
Alternative Name(s)
Heart of Breland 252 A.D. - 1375 A.D.

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