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Lothian is the Capital City of Breland  
  1. THE IVORY CASTLE: made from a section of the White Peaks of Pale Bluff and sailed south. Home of King Seamus Breland  and Queen Marion  and their children.   2. IRON PEAK EMBASSY: The Dwarven Embassy, this is Iron Peak ground on Breland soil. Also home to a magnificent statue of The Dragon Watch  (with King Farin Ironfist the Hammerheart in the forefront.) Bowoda Snowbranch is the Ambassador.   3. LILANDI ELVEN EMBASSY: The Elven Embassy, Lilandi ground on Breland soil. Royalith Sylvenni is the Ambassador.   4. THE IVORY DISTRICT: A gated community with guards. Some of the wealthiest residents in Lothian live there, who are also catered to by some of its swankiest shops. There are two entrances. The Mayor, Phineas Noland, also lives here in Prisway Manor.   5. SAWBRIDGE FARMS: A series of large farms of all sorts, grain, vegetables, orchards, livestock all owned by the wealthy Sawbridge Family (Yulesses Sawbridge, head of the family, who lives in the Ivory District.) The Farms are then leased and run like franchises at high prices.   6. OLD LIGHTHOUSE WINDMILL: The old Lothian Lighthouse, converted decades ago to be a windmill for the farms that, at that time, were outside the city wall (the city has expanded.) It is derelict and a spot for criminal activity. The Thieves Guild of Breland, the Red Hands (a distant splinter group of the Red Hearts of Somershire) has their headquarters deep below the Windmill.   7. WAREHOUSE DISTRICT: A large chunk of the docks, this area is home to multiple shipping companies, warehouses, shops, taverns, brothels, and inns….none of a decent quality.   8. TOWER OF THE RED STAR: A private mages tower run by the Order of Mages known as the Followers of the Red Star. Very private, impossible to gain entry. Some of the order do teach at Bradenburg Castle. They have a shady reputation, but keep to themselves. Some people believe they steal people off the streets.   9. BRADENBURG CASTLE: Bradenburg Castle  was (Kelek founded): Headmasters: Noblin Toff (human male.) School of General Magic. Symbol: Hawk. Black/Gold   10. LOTHIAN CLOCKTOWER: Centuries old Clocktower, made by Gnome refugees ages ago. Still works, keeps perfect time. It’s chimes can be heard the entire breadth of the city. It over looks the Lothian Market.   11. CIRCLE OF SEVEN TEMPLE: Large building in a gothic style. It does contain an altar for each of the seven houses in The Circle of Seven. With the Eternal Struggle altar located on the underground level.   12. LOTHIAN MARKETPLACE “THE MARKET”: A large open air market that is surrounded by brick and mortar shops but filled with tents, carts, and stands.   13. LOTHIAN LIGHTHOUSE: The lighthouse for Lothian. Also the secret headquarters of the Green Thumbs .   14. THE IVORY GATE: Entrance to the Walk of Tranquility, which is a long, tree and flower lined path to the Ivory Castle. This gate is heavily guarded and also the location of the majority of the City Watch barracks as well as Castle Guards.   15. COAL DISTRICT: A more seedy side of town, only made to look worse by being next to the Ivory District. It is actually not that dangerous. Full of shops, inns, and taverns, this is a popular place for adventurers.   16. MID TOWN: The largest section of Lothian. Mostly residential neighborhoods with scatterings of shops, guilds, inns, and taverns.   17. TURADH SQUARE: So named for a—centuries long closed— Turadh Embassy, this area is home to many groups that do not feel at home anywhere else. It is thus, also the location of more exotic shops and eateries. Kobolds, Goblins, Gnomes, Halflings, have all made small neighborhoods here.   18. WATERFRONT DISTRICT: Business center of the Docks. Full of shipyards, shipping supplies, mercenary guilds, sailors guilds, taverns, brothels, inns, tourist shops.   19. LITTLE LILANDI: A mostly Elvish district, this is probably the nicest place to live outside of the Ivory Castle or the Ivory District. Also home to some of the more affluent students of Bradenburg who can afford to live off campus. And also home to a few magical supply shops.   20. LOTHIAN DOCKS. Harbor Master is a gnome named Pewter Bumbletack. 2sp per day to be docked here at the Lothian Docks. Detailed records are kept.   21. LOTHIAN HOUSE OF LORDS: A Meeting area for Mayor Noland and various lords of the city. Also a public meeting place. Also home to the House of Law where Judges decide and try all cases—criminal and civil—brought before them by the Watch or local Solicitors.       BUSINESS AND SHOPS BY DISTRICT:   IVORY DISTRICT: (Two checkpoint areas where people are signed in. Only residents, guests of residents, or those considered “wealthy” or “noble” enough by the private guards are allowed entrance. If you are one of the latter you need to know specifics of your journey inside to gain entry.   LEGENDS OF THEIR TIME: Antique shop. Lorelie, elf F. Mostly furniture, etc.   BEWITCHING FLOUR: Bakery, Illyana, F human, 28. The most amazing smelling place you’ve ever been in your life. Sells cupcakes, donuts, rolls, cakes of all flavors. Specialty is Black Cherry Cinnamon breakfast rolls. And slices of Blackwood Chocolate cake. Caramel travel bars that never melt until you start eating them. And molasses otum syrup cookies.   IVORY CAFÉ: Sidewalk eatery. Coffees, teas, and sweet drinks. Small pastries. Expensive. (1-5gp)   PRISM BOOKS: Hyrum, M human, 75. Stodgy, stuffy, expensive book shop. Does have a Manual of Gainful Exercise for 25000gp. His prized possession.   THE IVORY DREAM: Jewerly shop. Can make anything. Various bracelets and amulets, earrings, rings, etc. Starting at 6000gp and up. They do have 1 diamond worth 1000gp that they would sell for 2000gp   GRAND FOREST INN: A very large Inn with restaurant that is built around 7 increibly large trees that grow and snake up through the building on all levels. Very expensive. Lodging 3gp/night.         WAREHOUSE DISTRICT:   GOLDEN ROAD WAREHOUSES: A series of warehouses owned by the GOLDEN ROAD SHIPPING COMPANY.   SPECIAL TROLL PUB: Gertie, F half orc, owner. Stuffed Troll outside the door. You see people stab it on the way in for luck. Cheap place, pretty rowdy. Gambling going on, knife throwing, etc. Dragon’s Claw, Orso’s Gambit. Ale 5cp. Meal 5sp.   INK AND STEEL: Tattoo parlor. 5-100gp. Tabaxi and dwarven tattoo artists (Mix and Jix respectively.)   LUCKY LADY: Brothel. Madam Purvis. 50gp   THE NEST: More rowdy club/tavern. More gambling. Owned by the Red Hands. Eikei the Halfling bartender (who is tougher than nails.) Dragon’s Claw-Orso’s Gambit played here. Ale 4cp, meal 4cp         THE MARKET:   THE COMMON WIGHT: Magic shop. Daveth, M human. 55 Mostly tourist type stuff. Not real magic. Wands, divination cards (vacaro), elixirs, etc.   SARAH’S SEWING: Sarah, human, 22, A permanent stall. Sells all kinds of very well made sewn goods. Mittens, gloves, scarves, hats, warm sweaters, sword cozies, etc.   OLD TOWN GARDENS: Fresh produce. Gerald Lupin. Human M. stuff looks decent.   SAWBRIDGE FARMS MARKET: a Huge Permanent stall, with roof. Basically a farmer’s market in itself. Fruits, veggies, cherry, apple, huckleberry, and pumpkin pies. Juices.   MAD MIKE’S CAFÉ: street café owned by Mad Mike the dwarf. Real name Mikael Skulldust. Very delicate tea service and pastries. (most things 1sp)   HAMMER AND ANVIL METALWORKS. An outdoor blacksmith boutique. Gimjin Brickhaven. Will do anything on commission. Does have a few things on sale. A pair of ebony +1 daggers for 1200gp. Sword of Sharpness (long sword, short sword and rapier….his specialty.) 30000gp   ULEE’S POTIONS AND POTABLES: Apothecary. Ulee. Gnome. Lesser (20-50gp) greater (14-200gp) superior (12-450gp) potion of heroism (5000) Philter of Love (300gp) and various other cheap elixirs that you all recognize as bunk but is what he sells the most of.       THE COAL DISTRICT:   THE STUPID KNIGHT: Tavern. Upjohn, barkeep. Dwarf. Pretty full, relatively rowdy. Gambling, bard performing. Ale 5cp, Meal 3sp   THE ABSENT GHOST PUB: Pub, Sully, Gnome. A bit more quiet, more serious drinking. Some Orso’s Gambit here. Ale 3cp, meal 4sp   YOU SMELT IT YOU DEALT IT: Blacksmith. Arms and Armory. Yosh. Half Orc. M. Thinks the name and fart joke is sooooo funny. Mostly just stuff in Player’s Handbook. Couple +1 longswords for 500gp. +2 battle axe for 1500gp.   MAGICAL MOMENTS: Brothel Madam Crystal, drow. 200gp.   EMERALD DRAGON: Tattoo parlor. 10-100gp. Or also does magical tattoos for much more gold. Two elf twins. Farella and Firalla. See other sheet.       MID TOWN:   UPLIFTING HOUSE INN: Inn. Teran owner. Human. Lodging 8sp/night   COZY COTTAGE PUB AND INN. Unique in that it has a main building and is surrounded by 10 foot high wall with 5 individual cottages out back. 2 are being currently rented. Ale 5cp, Meal 6sp, Cottage 3gp/night   THE HUNGRY HORSEMAN: Tavern. Good food, drink. Ale 4cp, meal 5sp   BRELAND OUTFITTERS: Clothing and Tailoring.   THE GLEAMING JEWEL: Jewerly shop.             TURADH SQUARE:   DRINK PLACE: Kobold Tavern. Kobolds who have made their way into the city from the nearby mountains have made a home in this neighborhood. This is their main tavern. It is full of wrong prices and questionable food—mostly insect and rodent variety. One drink will be 4cp, but if you order a pitcher it will be 10gp. (but 4 tankards will be 1cp each.) It is dirty and smelly. Kertz is the owner. He tries to walk on stilts he made to seem taller and falls down constantly. Often spilling food and drink if he is carrying it. Almost all the furniture is made for kobold size. So it is very small for the party (except Deval and Berin.) Very loud, very rowdy. Completely quiet when party comes in. A group of kobolds are digging a big hole in one of the back corners (if the party investigates they will be told “We need a new privy!”) On one wall is a very rudimentary mural. Perception DC 14 to tell that it seems to be Kobolds beating up gnomes.)   BLUE DRAGON: exotic curio shop owned by a blue Dragonborn named Edwin. Mostly tourist type junk but some real oddities. Ring of Djinni summoning (55000gp). Ring of feather falling (2000gp) robe of eyes (4000)   COZY HOLLOW FOOD & DRINK: Halfling café. (1sp most items on menu)   DRINKY DRINK: Gnome tavern. Gnome wine 1sp. Meal 4sp. Ale 7cp   STINKY STATION: Goblin food market. (various food items 3sp)       WATERFRONT DISTRICT:   —GOLDEN ROAD SHIPPING COMPANY: owns this area. They have buildings for repairs, supplies, crew hands, mercenaries, general store.   —JAUNTY SAILOR: main bar in the docks. Someone from all guilds here. Dragon’s Claw and Orso’s Gambit. Ale 6cp, meal 8sp   —SAILORS RESPITE: inn, decent price for what you get. Lodging 6sp     LITTLE LILANDI:   —MERRY TALES CAFE : elvish food mostly vegetarian Kylinath Divarin elf owner. (most items 5sp)   —BANK OF BRELAND: they would be led to Banker Durbin. A half elf man.   —LICHENS LABORATORY; apothecary. Elderly human, missing a hand. Has a claw like device there. Looks sized to various vials and beakers. Healing Potions Normal (15 at 50gp). Greater (12 at 225gp) superior (5 at 550gp). Also. Two Elixir of health (4000) keogthoms ointment (450gp)   —RELICS AND RARITIES: Professor Roundtree human f. 32. Place looks like an antique shop. But also a Home with couches and chairs. Shelves and displays are wardrobes and desks and open cabinets. It is full of oddities. Well of many worlds (60000gp) wings of flying (7000gp). Quiver of ehlona (1000gp) ring of protection (4000gp) ring of regeneration (40000gp). Ring of three wishes (70000gp) robe of the archmagi—grey (50000). Staff of healing (4000gp) mirror of life trapping (30000gp) necklace of fireballs (2500gp) oathbow (25000gp)   —THE DUSTY TOME: Sesturn Wildekin a half elf old man. Place is decked out in the black and gold of Brandenburg Castle with Herkey the Hawk on many banners. Wand of binding, enemy detection, fireballs, lightning bolts, (600gp). Two rings of spell storing (2500 each or 4000 for both ). Spell scrolls cantrip-lev 1 (50gp). Lev 2-3 (250gp). Lev 4-5 (2000gp). Lev 6-8 (10000gp) lev 9 (50000gp) Wand of magic missiles, web (350gp) Pearl of power (600gp)           GAMBLING GAMES:   DRAGON’S CLAW Usual bet is 1-10sp, but can be whatever Darts with Blue, yellow, Red, black dragon target +2 Blue, +1 yellow, -1 red, -2 dragon To hit is 10 Blue, 13 yellow, 16 red, 18 dragon Only dex modifiers work not strength. Blue worth 10 pts, Yellow 20 pts, Red 30 pts, Dragon 40pts. Each player 3 throws. If they miss, they hit level below (so if aiming for dragon and roll a 17, they miss but hit red.) If they roll below a 5-10, they have a 50% chance of hitting Blue. Otherwise off board. Also off board is a 1-5 roll.     ORSO’S GAMBIT Card game, 5sp initial buy-in. Rules: Each card player rolls 1d8, keeping the die hidden. Each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet (meet it), or fold. It continues when all bets are equal. Then each player rolls a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or fold. Each remaining player rolls 1d4. They all reveal the 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4, adding them all together. Winner takes 80% of the pot (the other 20% goes to the casino). Ties split the 80%.   RAT RACES Racing rat game, 5 sp pieces minimum buy-in. Five rats are released in a small maze-like track that rests upon the table. They are in separate cages at the end of a table until released to race. Gamblers can bet as much as they’d like on one particular rat, which 10gp max. Rules: Roll 1d4 for each lizard three times, describing the stages of the race at each round of rolls. The lizard with the highest roll total wins, and those who bet on it double their bet as winnings. Second place bet gets half of their bet back.


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