Syora Vendrake

The Hero of Kazusho

A veteran of The 4th Armored Division, part of the Ivaruna Imperial Guard. She was present for The Battle of Kazusho and is credited with playing a key role in the Imperial victory there. As far as she is concerned, all she did was survive and the medals were just to give the public a figure to rally around.   She is known to be a skilled Manifester.  

Early Life

  Syora was born in Aktu, the capital of the Sekhtyrn Republic. Her father, Theodmon, was a carpenter and her mother, Penela, was a nurse. When she was 10 years old, her parents took her to see a parade honoring the memory of the Republic's founder. It was during this parade that a large group of Strife Beasts and Cultists of The Jade Fang attacked the city. During the chaos, Syora was separated from her parents and later rescued by a squad of Ivaruna Imperial Guardsmen that were responding to the attack. Her parent's bodies were never found and presumed to have been eaten by the beasts, a fate which is all too common.   She was adopted by Rose Grimthorn and when she was old enough enrolled in the Grimthorn Academy.  

Military Career

  In 672, she gradutated from Grimthorn Academy and joined Ivaruna Imperial Guard. She had barely been in the service for a year when the Fifth Valk-Gryv War. Syora was part of the Platoon HQ for 6th Platoon, 52nd Battalion, 4th Armored Division.
Date of Birth
15th of Amaturys
Year of Birth
655 e7 25 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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