
Using Magic to cast a spell is called Manifesting. Those that are capable of doing so are called Manifesters.   When you cast a spell you are Manifesting a Concept. In order to attempt to do so, you must have a sufficient amount of Magical Energy. This Energy can either be held within you before the spell is cast, or pulled from a Drakokrystal held in hand at the time of casting. Manifesters can draw in and store Magical Energy inside themselves over time, the rate at which this happens varies.   Doing so is not always sucessful. Sometimes it just has no effect and other times it can Backfire and cause some sort of injury (either minor or major) to its caster. In extreme cases, a Manifester can end up with Soul Damage.   Successfully Manifesting requires you to have mental focus, disipline, and intention. Each Manifester has their own personal way of Manifesting, some need to be super calm, others need to be full of rage. Sometimes what a person needs can fluctuate and in general it is tightely linked to their mental and emotional state.  Drawing the energy required from a Krystal at the time of casting is the most reliable method of casting a spell as there will be some degree of separation of the magical energy from the caster.  However, this method requires both hands to be used where forgoing the Krystal can allow a spell to be cast with just one hand to direct where the spell goes, or in some cases no hands at all.   You can learn a new Concept from a God as a gift or from studying the symbolic formulae that represent the Concept. Although learning from texts takes a long time to study to fix it in your mind and, again, is heavily linked to mental/emotional state at the time.   Who gets to be a Manifester? If you guessed "It's random" you get a cookie! Yes, there is no known way to predict if or when someone will become a Manifester. It can happen at any stage of your life, to any person. The only known exception is Full Dragons, but it is equally unpredictable to know if any given Dragonling will evolve into one! Not only that, but technically a Dragon can become a Manifester randomly in any earlier stage of life. The only way to know if you are one is to attempt to learn a Concept, or if a God decides to grant you a Concept. Many organizations have a few 'simple' scrolls that they will test people with. Sometimes it's free (and then they try to recuit you) or you pay a fee (and then they try to sell you more).
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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