Ember Scars

The Fallen Legends


The Ember Scars are an ancient guild of Dragon Slayers that claim they can trace their origin back to the times of Deurem. Its members claim the guild was founded in the northern lands of what would eventually become Dracheim. During Deurem's time there was little civilization in the frozen north and the southern neighbors were unable to send their militaries to protect what was there. It was out of this necessity that dragon slayers banded together and swore an oath to journey north and protect the people most in need. Under this banner, the Ember Scars were formed. The righteous flames of battle brought by the Ember Scars saved the northern citizenry and was said to thaw the very land itself. With their protection, the people were able to band together for the first time in true solidarity and build a home for themselves. The north was not spared on the Day of Ruin and the Ember Scars were presumed to have been wiped out and were not heard from again for nearly a millenia. Over the next several centuries, the survivors of the war would remain united and rebuild their home. This would eventually grow to become the bastion of the north, Dracheim, and the Ember Scars were commemorated with the highest of honors.

The Accords

Upon the dragons return, and the formation of Dragon Slayer guilds, the Ember Scars were the first to emerge. The guild claimed to be the same as the one in stories. True or not, the populus embraced them with open arms as if they were one and the same. The Ember Scars contributions in the conflict were invaluable and they were heroes in the eyes of the people. When the Accords were eventually proposed and signed, it was with great reluctance by the people of Dracheim. The stories of the Ember Scars saving the northern realm in its inception were fresh in everyone's minds with their return. The dragon slayers were still heroes with the Ember Scars seen as living legends. This sentiment protected the guild for many long years. While many of the lesser guilds were made to disband to comply with the Accords, the city government never applied much of this pressure to the Ember Scars and turned a blind eye toward their continued existence so long as they did not draw attention to themselves.

Modern Day

As centuries passed, the reverence to the guild also faded. Law enforcement began cracking down harder on the guild as draconic raids were often blamed on the guild's "secret" hunts, whether true or not. The situation was strained, but sustainable until roughly one century ago. It was at this time that the current Regent Lord had declared a new goal of cohabitation with dragons and revealed the founding of the Dragon Rider order. Dragon eggs and wyrmlings were already within the city and being allowed to be raised along side its citizens. This offense could not stand and the Ember Scars rose in open revolt against the draconic menace. Unfortunately, they did not realize how many had already been pledged to this new order before its unveiling. The Dragon Riders stood ready for combat and greatly outnumbered the Dragon Slayers. The Ember Scars were swiftly crushed and their perception by the public only sank further. What little tolerance there was for them before was as an emergency measure against the dragons. Now defeated by the hands of the Dragon Riders, they were unnecessary. Following this, law enforcement became extremely brutal in its pursuits to remove all remaining dragon slayers in the city. The remaining Ember Scars have managed to narrowly avoid meeting the fate of their comrades to this day, but under command of the new Regent Lord, things have only worsened for them. The people may have forgotten what the Ember Scars did for them, but they will not abandon their home and their oath to its people.
Guild, Professional