Day of Ruin

The darkest day in history for the Mortal Realm, the day that ended the War of Scales and nearly eradicated the Mortal Realm. On the final day of the war, Kur finally took to the field with hordes of dragons in tow. The mortal realm was engulfed in destruction and flames as cities were reduced to rubble and ash. The cataclysm seemed inevitable as the dragons descended upon the capital, only for Deurem Rexis and his grand host to lure the Dragon King and his kin away from the city. On the open fields of battle, Kur's wrath was finally halted. The forces on both sides were completely wiped out in the conflict, leaving Vartel Moran the only survivor.


The Mortal Realm was left in ruin and scattered. Many pockets of survivors were unsure if anyone else even survived miles away. Vartel did his best to pick up the pieces with their king now gone. The capital was rebuilt and renamed to Deuria. Though spared from complete annihilation, the city was still on the brink of collapse. Many of the Mortal Realm's greatest achievements were gone and the means to recreate them were wiped out. Vartel was the only one with the knowledge to recreate their magical marvels, but the conflict had permanently weakened him, leaving him unable put the knowledge into practice. The Mortal Realm had survived but had to begin anew.
While many would flock to his banner, more still banded together elsewhere and the first city-states were born. Conflict between the survivors, desperate to secure what little remained, became common and feifdoms rose and fell in what seemed like months. This pattern of conflict would continue for a few centuries until finally, only four city-states remained. Each of them large and powerful enough that a war would be unthinkable. These are the city-states that exist today, risen from the ashes of the first kingdom.