Dracheim (Drac-haim)

The City of Traitors and Freedom

Known as the City of Traitors by its neighbors. The northernmost city-state, nestled near the frigid mountains, had long embraced the tradition and mindset of warring against the dragons like their fellows. Until around a century ago, things began to change. The city government adopted a new mindset of cohabitation with the dragons, seeking to live amongst them. Even adopting the practice of raising young dragons as companions for their most promising warriors. Accepted by neither dragon or mortal, they are despised by both and seen as traitors.

Where The Strong Prosper

A realm of tolerance or traitors depending on who you ask. The highest population of dragonborn reside within their borders due to the lack of societal bigotry. The frigid north forces all its citizens to toughen if they are to survive the brutal winters. With the adoption of dragons into their society, enduring these winters has become much easier. As a city-state with many enemies and few allies, survival is always highest priority. This has created a sort of system where the strong rule over the weak because they need the strong to protect them. Those who have managed to bond with a dragon and become a Dragon Rider are considered as some of the city's greatest protectors and champions. The state is ruled by the Regent, Sundra Icebane and her council of advisors. Sundra, a dragon rider herself, is well loved by her people as she is seen to genuinely be working tirelessly to protect them and strive toward their future goal of coexistence with dragons. Abuse from those in positions of power or those possessing of greater physical or magical strength is not uncommon but is seen as their right due to the protection they offer the state year-round. Not all who reside in Dracheim believe in the Regent and state’s greater goal, but only retreated to this state out of desperation. Many fleeing troubles or dangers from the other city-states will set course for Dracheim as many will not follow. Protection of its citizens from outside threats is always the highest priority, even new arrivals, making pursuing these individuals dangerous. This protection however only lasts until one has shown some sort of violation of the treaty or hostility toward their draconic allies.

Strength in Bonds

The hardened conditions of their realm have produced some of the toughest and most skilled warriors in the land. Though they have nearly no dragon slayer presence to aid them, largely due to their own efforts, they have founded two guilds of dragon riders. The dragon riders offer a unique and powerful military advantage compared to rival city states and have been key to fending off any thoughts of city-state warfare or draconic threats. Their very presence as a deterrent has seemingly had the greatest effect compared to the methods if its neighbors. Draconic incursions of any kind are nearly unheard of. Though their numbers are few in comparison to other state militaries, their power is appropriately feared. The Order of Dragon Knights are known to be some of the most imposing combatants, rivaling even some of the greatest Dragon Slayers. The Order of Dragon Outriders has produced extremely talented aerial combatants, some able to take on an entire airship. In the few cases of known conflicts with dragons, the riders alongside their draconic companions have shown to repel the aggressors with great skill and minimal damage to the nearby populous.

Dragon Slaying

Dragon slaying is heavily punished, and the conditions of the treaty are very strictly enforced. Any trade suspected of partaking in the dragon trade is raided. People suspected of participating in or supporting dragon slayer activities are swiftly brought in for interrogation. The ones released have been said to be held for days on end, while those found guilty are never seen or heard from again. This has not fully stopped dragon slaying practices within their borders and a very secretive underground practice does exist. Due to the highly restrictive nature of the Regent’s laws, it has remained small but fostered very skilled dragon slayers as a result.
Geopolitical, City-state

Non-aggression pact

Reg'naat cares very little for Dracheim and their title as traitors. Dracheim has little to offer in trade, so it is of little interest. Reg'naat acts as a mild supply line of food supplies to the north to help alleviate some of the heavy restrictions placed on them by Deuria. Reg'naat only keeps these lines open as a means of attempting to get their smugglers' hands on a coveted Dragon Rider egg.

Non-aggression pact

Merkonus and Dracheim interact very little, with only small amounts of trade going back and forth. The two city-states largely avoid one another. Merkonus views Dracheim and its people as traitors but chooses to focus its energy on their own projects. Dracheim is aware of their view on them, but is ultimately just content to have Merkonus not acting against them.


Deuria holds extreme distrust towards Dracheim and outright declares them as traitors to the mortal realm. Deuria has placed heavy tariffs, and sanctions against them. Dracheim is extremely resentful for these actions and tries to find ways to circumvent Deuria.

Articles under Dracheim