Kur (Kur)

The Dragon King

Despite being the most infamous villain in the history of the Mortal Realm, very little is known about Kur. All current records rely on a mix of legends and what little Vartel Moran recorded from his encounter with the beast. Kur is believed to have been one of the first dragons in existence, created directly by Bahamut and Tiamat. Legends tell that he was a dragon of power without equal and size unparalleled. He has been the only dragon mighty enough to claim the title "King of Dragons". It was at his call that the dragon broods descended upon the Mortal Realm and begun the War of Scales. Tales and Vartel's records make no mention of the Dragon King ever taking to the fields of battle until its final hour on the Day of Ruin. The devastation that day nearly erased the entire Mortal Realm and the destruction is attributed almost entirely to Kur alone. The Scaled Calamity was finally brought to heel by Deurem Rexis in a climactic duel that resulted in both of their deaths. 


The death of Kur splintered his broods and they have never been able to recover. Many of his children survived the war and most are believed to still be alive to this day. These children possess power unrivaled by any other dragon not of his direct blood. This power is used to lay claim to his throne, each seeking to reunite their kind, but unwilling to bow to another. Modern day scholars universally agree that it is this vying for power that has kept the broods preoccupied. None so far have been able to claim their father's title as the new King of Dragons.
Artistic rendition of the Paragons facing Kur on the Day of Ruin.
Alias(es): The Dragon King, King of Dragons, The Scaled Calamity, The Bringer of Ruin, The Great Tyrant
  Age: Uknown
  Status: Dead
  Gender: Male
  Race: Dragon, Great Wyrm
  Affiliation: The Draconic Broods

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