Deurem Rexis (Door-uhm Rek-sis)

History's Greatest Hero

Deurem is indisputably honored as the greatest hero in the history of the Mortal Realm. Deurem was the first dragon slayer and king of the Mortal Realm. Very little from before the War of Scales was able to be saved, but the name of Deurem and his tales of valor proved immortal.

Early Days

Exact information is impossible to fully verify, but stories and records of the time say that Deurem was born as either an Elf or Eladrin some time over a century before the War of Scales. During his time, all of mortal kind were still enslaved by the dragons. Toiling and slaving away each day in the mines to find more treasures for their master's horde or as drones on the field of battle between rivals. Until one day Deuremgathered his closest allies and begun his plan for freedom. With no hope of slaying a dragon in combat, he instead relied on his cunning. The details are unknown but tell that Deurem and his allies snuck into their master's chamber as it slept and slew the creature in its sleep. Crude tools would not be enough to slay the rest of their former master's brood. Looking to arm themselves, Deurem and his companions created the first form of dragon harvesting. Using the teeth and claws of the dragon as weapons, taking whatever hide they could as armor. These rudimentary tools proved surprisingly effective and the art of dragon slaying was born. Together with his band of companions, known as the The Paragons, he freed his kinsman and begun his crusade against the draconic hordes.

The First Kingdom

Under his leadership, the Paragons lead the charge against brood after brood. Their dragon slaying prowess becoming mightier and more concentrated. Their skills in the art of dragon harvesting and creating weapons or armor became more refined. Eventually shaping blades, armor and learning how to use more of the dragon to fuel their magic to greater heights. Rebellion was unheard of and the dragons were unprepared. Modern experts believe that rivalries between dragons were common during this time because they had no united foe to face. This prevented news of the rebelleion from spreading with any agency. Dragon's pride and arrogance are well known so it is also believed that most did not take the threat with any seriousness until it was too late. While the dragons were complacent, the Deurem's crusade underwent explosive growth. With so many of his people free, they needed a place to call home. The first city was founded and with it, the Mortal Realm was born. The dragon's complacency and slow reaction gave Deurem's people well needed time to grow and develop. The crusade had already left dozens of dragons in its wake and countless draconic creatures. With plenty of fuel, the magics of the first kingdom exploded with innovation. Development erupted at a breakneck pace. Within one century, the first kingdom used their magic to create massive and powerful cities, the likes of which have never been seen since. Deurem's kingdom had taken root and could no longer be ignored. 

Facing the Dragon King

Naturally, Deurem lead the charge against the dragons in the War of Scales. Slaying countless dragons, he was believed invincible. Deurem would meet his ultimate test on the Day of Ruin. With his people facing complete destruction, Deurem and his grand host lead the Dragon King and his horde away from the city. Against impossible odds, Deurem slew Kur at the cost of his own life, stopping the King of Dragon's rampage and saving the Mortal Realm. Deurem was laid to rest in the Tomb of Heroes along side his fallen Paragons. It was created as a place of honor by his only surviving companion, Vartel Moran, in Deuria. Vartel crafted one final gift to his fallen friend. Deurem was buried with the Armaments of Kings, armor and weapons forged from the corpse of his greatest foe, the final dragon he ever slew.


Deurem's legacy lives on and even shapes the modern day, inspiring generations of dragon slayers and warriors of all kind. What remained of his city was renamed in his honor to Deuria to further immortalize his legend. His glory has even sparked new forms of faith. A faith only a couple centuries old has formed around him. Beginning in Deuria, he is now worshipped as the God of War by many of its citizens as it slowly spreads to the other city-states as well.
Alias(es): The First Dragon Slayer, Savior of the Mortal Realm, God of War
  Age: >300
  Status: Dead
  Gender: Male
  Race: Elf or Eladrin
  Affiliation: The Paragons

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