Vartel Moran (Var-tell Mor-en)

The Last Paragon

Vartel is considered to be one of history's most powerful mages and certainly one of the most influential. However, most of his legacy is dominated and remembered by his relation to Deurem Rexis.

Paragon of Magic

Details of Vartel's life before he joined Deurem as one of his paragons is completely unkown and most details of him are extracted from his own writings or what few written by others about him survived the Day of Ruin. All signs indicate that he was an extremely gifted wizard from a young age that was eager to join Deurem on the field of battle. Vartel proved so gifted, when he became of proper age, he quickly rose to become Deurem's most trusted companion and closest friend. Vartel fought alongside him as his second in command in countless battles. Beyond the fields of battle, Vartel is also said to have perfected dragon harvesting. With his magics he was able to create the most powerful dragon slaying weapons and armor, as well as create new dragon slaying spells.


Vartel was the only surviving member of The Paragons after the Day of Ruin. He created the Tomb of Deurem, where he would lay his king and comrades to rest. With them he buried the Armaments of Kings, armor and weapons he forged from the corpse of Kur. The tomb was placed within the capital city of the old kingdom. As one of the few remaining cities of the old kingdom, now home to the strongest surviving hero of the Mortal Realm, many survivors would flock to Vartel's banner as he attempted to rebuild. In his efforts he created the city-state of Deuria, a city-state that has prospered into the modern day. Vartel's story as the sole surviving Paragon inspired his people to take on his craft of spell-casting and the practice became wide spread in the formative years of the fledgling state. This would lead to Vartel forming the Magus Collective and becoming the first Grand Magus. Upon his death he passed his staff to his successor, creating a tradition that has been carried on to the modern day.
Alias(es): Right Hand of Deurem, The Last Paragon, The First Magus
  Age: 102
  Status: Dead
  Gender: Male
  Race: Human
  Affiliation: The Paragons, Magus Collective

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