Scale's Bane

Scale's Bane, also known as the Great Bastion, was first constructed nearly two millenia ago after the Day of Ruin. It was and still remains the primary military coalition between the different city-states. Its purpose is to act as the first line of defense or offense against any and all threats from dragon kind.


After the war ended, the first few centuries were spent attempting to reunite and stabilize the Mortal Realm. It was during this time that many different feifdoms rose and fell until eventually only the four current city-states remained. Each one held significant resources and strength, the embers of conflict continued to smolder. It was Deuria that were the first to sue for peace with the threat of the dragons returning as the true threat looming over their heads. As each city-state agreed, a joint project between them all was proposed to solidify their unity. The construction of Scale's Bane began to ensure that the Mortal Realm would be prepared for future conflict. With Deuria baring the largest burden of the eastern border, it was agreed to be placed on their lands close to the newly outlined frontier. From here it would act as both shield and spear. With magical assistance, the garrison would be able to quickly mobilize and intercept any draconic threat making its way to the eastern borders. Additionally, if necessary, it would act as a staging point for any future strikes into the Dragon Lands. Each city-state would send some of their most elite warriors to man the bastion in a joint display of unity against their former draconic masters.

Return of the Dragons

As the centuries passed, Scale's Bane would prove an invaluable foresight. When the dragons returned in force over a millenia after the Day of Ruin, the Great Bastion was ready. Ever vigilant, the combined efforts of the city-state governments constantly worked to improve the fortress with their evolving technology, armaments and research. More heavily armed and impregnable than the cities themselves in some ways, it greatly blunted the dragon's first wave of attacks, catching the scaled menace by surprise. Over the next six centuries of conflict, the fortress was assailed innumerable times in an attempt to cripple the Mortal Realm's defense efforts, but it never fell. Without Scale's Bane, it is likely that the Mortal Realm would have fallen under the dragon's renewed onslaught. As impressive of a shield as it was, it failed in its duties as a spear to counterattack the dragons. The number of dragons attacking paled in comparison to the days of the war, but even that proved enough to stretch the forces of Scale's Bane thin. Whenever they did find the numbers to spare, they were still unable to retaliate against the dragons in their own territory with any effect. The forces of the bastion proved too rigid and unable to navigate the Dragon Lands. Every attempted offensive failed miserably and incurred heavy losses. This revelation is in turn what lead to the creation of the Dragon Slayer Guilds. While the newly formed guilds primarly replaced the garrisons of Scale's Bane in counter offensive operations, many dragon slayers were also stationed at the fortress to assist in defensive duties.
When the conflict ended with the Coexistance Accords, all dragon slayers stationed within Scale's Bane were ordered to disarm and offered the opportunity to continue working alongside the garrison in a standard capacity. While some accepted, many more fled. Tracking down and supressing remaining dragon slayer guilds became the primary duty of Scale's Bane in the following years. Dragon slayers were extremely skilled, highly dangerous and almost never refused to stand down unless in the most overwhelming circumstances. The elite warriors of the Great Bastion were the most battle hardened combatants in the realm and were the natural and safest choice to engage with the outlaws.

Modern Day

The fortress has remained active in modern years, still vigilant of a returning draconic threat. The city-states have continued to upgrade its defenses and armaments with black powder weaponry being its newest additions. The forces of Dracheim have almost entirely pulled out from its maintenance of the fortress since the founding of the Dragon Riders due to the rise in hostility between Dracheim and the other city-states. A token force of non dragon riders remain as a symbolic pledge to continue defending the Mortal Realm despite any accusations of treachery on their behalf.
Military, Base