Dragon Slayer Guilds

Before the Accords

The Dragon Slayer guilds were originally created and administered by the governments of each city-state to create the most elite hunters to take down dragons with as few forces possible. Their most skilled and powerful warriors were conscripted and pushed through harrowing training and combat to ensure they would be able to form the proper skills and be able to train new recruits. Once the guilds were self sufficient and conducting regular hunts, the respective governments resorted to a much more hands off approach to better focus on the many other needs of their territory and citizens. As success of the guilds grew and their numbers swelled, multiple dragon slaying guilds began to form within each city.
The Dragon Slayers became extremely experienced and efficient in their dragon hunts, but began to run into more powerful dragons pushing their mortal limits. To accommodate, they began to collaborate across state borders to share intelligence, experience and combat styles. Together, inspired by the legends of Deurem, they managed to create the Dragon Harvester's tools to take the power of the dragons for themselves. Creating stronger armor, weapons, magic and enchanting, the guilds' performance soared to even greater heights and their acclaim in the public eye matched. Eventually Merkonus would create the airship and allow the Dragon Slayer guilds the ability to take to the skies. While not accessible to all of the guilds, some of the most prolific of them were granted ownership of some of the early airships in perpetuity. This period of time became known as the Golden Age for the Dragon Slayer guilds. Honored, respected and endless hunts in the name of protecting their people and homes against the scaled tyrants.

The Accords

The fame, glory and success would not last forever. The hunts' success would ultimately spell the undoing of the guilds. With more powerful dragons falling beneath their blades and the renewing of the practice to butcher the dragons for their parts, the dragons fury rose. The guilds were eager to meet the challenge, but the city-state governments and the people were not. A peace was declared with the signing of the Coexistence Accords, suddenly declaring dragon hunting illegal and officially disbanding the Dragon Slayer guilds. Anyone found to still be operating within the guilds or conducting dragon hunts would be branded a criminal and imprisoned. The guilds hoped to rally support from the people that adored their heroic ventures but instead found an angered and battered people blaming them for the escalating destruction that ravaged many of their homes and lives.
While some guilds complied and disbanded, a far larger majority were unwilling to lay down their arms. Some knew no other life and could not bare to find a new one, others believed the Accords a mistake and would not willing disband what they believed to be the Mortal Realm's greatest weapon. This forced these guilds underground and their operations into the shadows. Almost overnight going from being the greatest heroes of the Mortal Realm to the most despised warmongers.

Times of "Peace"

  In the centuries since the Accords, the Mortal Realm has endured relative peace, but the Dragon Slayers know this is temporary and a ruse by the dragons to lure them into a state of weakness. While some guilds have managed to persist and draw in occasional new recruits that believe in the old ways, not all are as lucky. Many guilds have been shut down and disbanded by force, but the ones that remain continue to operate to the best of their abilities. Only able to conduct minor hunts without drawing the attention of state governments or the dragons at large. Most are barely able to scrape by while constantly having to look over their shoulders. In the most recent years, tensions and draconic activity seem to be on the rise. Attitudes toward the Dragon Slayers seem to be lightening in some areas, granting them more breathing room. The guilds becoming more bold, see this as an opportunity to resume the hunts and quell some of this draconic activity before it reaches the various townships. The guilds are eager to once again dust off their tools for a proper dragon.

Known Operational Guilds

Additional smaller guilds are reported to also be in operation, but lack any concrete evidence or reputation to be considered of note or a threat.
Illicit, Other

Articles under Dragon Slayer Guilds