The Paragons

The World's First Heroes

  Deurem Rexis is unanimously renowned as the greatest hero of history, but he was not the only one. Deurem was joined by a group of valorous warriors that believed in his cause like no other. Together, he and this band became known as the Paragons, the greatest dragon slayers the realm has ever known. The size of this heroic band of heroes grew and changed over the years as new warriors flocked to the banner to defend their people and as veteran members sacrificed their lives to the cause. To ensure that his people were not haplessly throwing away their lives in the vain pursuit of glory, Deurem ensured that only the finest and most capable champions of the Mortal Realm would join him. Deurem and his Paragons would shoulder the brunt of the dragon's onslaught and only pursue the greatest threats, shaping them into an elite fighting force. Never numbering more than 25, this band of heroes used the dragons' power against them. The practice of dragon harvesting to create powerful weapons and armor or empower spells is traced back to Deurem and his Paragons. The Paragons' crusade would even fell a mighty Child of Kur, the only known instance in recorded history. This would not be their greatest hour however, that time would come on the Day of Ruin. On that cataclysmic day, the Paragons would join Deurem as the vanguard to his grand host against the Dragon King's savagery and destruction. Dragon blood flooded the plains as the Paragons would give their lives to ensure that the way would be clear for Deurem to strike at the wicked Dragon King. Their sacrifice was not in vain, Deurem did slay Kur at the cost of his own life, falling along side his cherished companions. Only one survived the battle to spread the tale of what had occurred. This lone survivor would go on to found the city-state of Deuria in honor of beloved leader's ideals and dreams. At its center, the Tomb of Deurem, where the bodies of Deurem and all the bodies of his companions he could recover would be laid to rest.

Notable Members

The only members whose names are still remembered in the modern day are those who were able to be recovered and buried within the tomb. The rest have faded into legend and story.
  • Deurem Rexis, Champion of the Mortal Realm
  • Vartel Moran, The Magus
  • Sindoran Kre, The Scale Breaker (Orc male)
  • Thimmul Flintmaul, The Indomitable (Dwarf male)
  • Liaden Ashdown, The Deft (Owlin female)
  • Fang, The Whirlwind (Warforged)
  • Neria Thuless, The Gracious (Goliath female)
  • Cithrel Adna, The Bloody (Wood Elf female)
  • Zadrus, The Mighty (Minotaur male)
  • Mordos Bane, The Scourge (Tiefling male)
  • Alidea Wistrol, The Wing Clipper (Aasimar female)
  • Jax, The Scoundrel (Harrengon male)
  • Jinora Sha, The Tether (Satyr)
Military Order