Fire Crystal

The Fire Crystal is a seemingly magical crystal that forms in very hot regions around Drimore. This crystal can be found in or near volcanoes, in hot deserts, or sometimes naturally forming above or below the grounds around Drimore's equator. The Fire Crystal is used to power several fire-based technologies such as the Ignimotron, flamethrowers, and even furnaces. Though originally found by races such as the Hualapai, Daoine, and Draconian, the Fire Crystals are vastly used by the Drimorians in Ancora and Ithor.


Material Characteristics

A fire crystal is a crystalline rock that has a ruby-red hue. The shape the rock takes is usually hexagonal in nature. The crystal is also usually 15% translucent, becoming more opaque the thicker it gets.

Physical & Chemical Properties

All fire crystals are very hard to physically handle without proper equipment. Each crystal constantly radiates heat and can burn plant life around it. In general, a fire crystal usually burns at a consistent 100°F regardless of their environment and they have the ability to amplify any energy channeled through them.

Geology & Geography

Fire crystals are naturally formed in volcanic areas or particularly hot deserts where heat is strongest for a consistent time. Despite this, fire crystals can also be farmed in warm regions in the globe closest to the equator. The fire crystals are found both above and underground, but are more common underground, unless they are being farmed.

Life & Expiration

Fire crystals, if handled properly and regularly used, slowly deteriorate over the course of anywhere from a year to a decade. The length of use for these crystals is determined by the sheer mass of the crystal, what it is being used to power, and if the crystal is constantly being pumped with energy. The higher the mass of the crystal, the greater the crystal can power, and the longer it lasts is proportional to how little it has to power. In context, to power a Ingimotron, the fire crystal has to be of significant mass just to move the train of 5 cars a consistent 15-20 mph. A crystal used by an Ignimotron would take a few years to farm and would last 5 years, making it slightly break even. On the other hand, a fire crystal used to power a flame thrower, would need far less mass and could easily last a decade before finally being rendered useless.   That being said, an un-energized fire crystal deteriorates significantly slower, losing its structure and color (thus turning white), centuries down the road from its fullest maturation cycle. If a fire crystal has been overused, it loses its ruby-red hue and becomes white and brittle.

History & Usage


The fire crystal was found by a several cultures simultaneously. Given its optimal places of growth, the Daoine, Draconians, and Hualapai were among the first races to discover fire crystals. Nonetheless, it was the Hualapai who first discovered how to farm the fire crystals, and it was the Drimorians who then discovered efficient ways of mass producing the fire crystal for technological usage.


Originally, it was simultaneously the Daoine, Draconians, and Hualapai who discovered the fire crystals.

Everyday use

Today, fire crystals are commonly used for the powering of fire technology, including civil technologies such as:
  • Ignimotrons
  • Fire pickaxes
  • Metal forges
  • Stoves
Fire crystals are also used for military technologies such as:
  • Flamethrowers
  • Fire shields
  • Fire swords

Industrial Use

In the Ancoran Kingdom and in its patriarchal kingdom, Ithor, the fire crystal is used in the powering of metal forges as well as in some taverns as a fuel source to power their stoves.


Although the fire crystal is not able to be refined, it does need to be activated by energy in order to get hotter. By applying pressure to the crystal, or adding heat to it, any given heat/energy is then greatly amplified, rising well above its consistent 100°F.


Non-Properly handled fire crystals can easily burn humanoid hands. On top of this if a crystal is loaded with too much energy too quickly, it can explode into a large burst of scalding heat and molten shards. Furthermore, if the fire crystal is dropped from a high enough distance, it will shatter, spewing hot shards and create a small explosion of burning heat.

Environmental Impact

Fire crystals that are grown too close to plans risk setting them on fire, especially in dry environments. If too many fire crystals are stored in an enclosed environment, they can increase that area's temperature to dangerous levels that could eventually even melt metals.

Reusability & Recycling

Once a fire crystal has been completely used up, it becomes a clear, brittle crystal and loses most value on the market.


Trade & Market

Though many cultures possess fire crystals, only the Drimorians from Ancora and Ithor make trades with this mineral. Because of this, fire crystals are the cheapest in Ancora and Ithor.


Fire crystals have to either be stored in an open air space, or in rooms that are kept wet and cool, so as to keep the overall temperature of the stored crystals from reaching unbearable levels.


1000 Silver per 2000 kilograms of weight
Unknown as it is too hote to consume
Ruby Red
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Related Locations
Related Species
Related Technologies


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