
The Etherine are assumed to have been the primary race during the Age of Plethora, though none have survived to the Age of Dearth. They are the only species whose works of art and technology have meaningfully survived, though it is assumed much of their civilizations remain undiscovered. There are a number of ancestor races to the Etherine, being broadly split into two subtypes: the Etherborns and the Mutagenisis races.   Etherborns appear to be the most direct physical descendants, taking much the same shape as Etherine, if significantly smaller, and retaining their wings, though they are questionably effective given their bulk. Only two species of Etherborn exist, though historians believe that there were once dozens, and the current Etherian species were the most dominant during The Lost Age.   Mutagenesis races are significantly different from both the Etherine and Etherborn, with no wings, and a significantly different set of physical characteristics. Historians believe that during The Lost Age, Etherine either bred with other now-dead races, or were otherwise mutated to form the Mutaphil. The Mutaphil themselves are an unstable race, with massively differing physical properties between generations.   However, three known stable subraces exist, though it is unclear whether more exist and are simply not known or incorrectly classified. These stable subraces can reliably produce children of the same subrace, and their Mutagenesis properties slowly disappear throughout the generations. Some scientists speculate that humans are the fourth known stable subrace, and more fringe groups believe that humans are actually an Etherian species, though both groups lack any sufficient evidence.

Basic Information


Etherine, from paintings and other depictions, were winged humanoids with a massive physique, but otherwise standard humanoid traits. Most depictions place their height at roughly three meters, and typical estimates for weight are 400-600lbs, depending on the Etherine.   While Etherine are typically depicted with lightning either in their eyes or hands, most historians think this is a cultural touchstone, and judge that due to the lack of inherent magical powers of other races, Etherine did not have inherent magical power.

Genetics and Reproduction

Etherine are assumed to have reproduced sexually, with a male and female partner, as there are common depictions of sexual partnership and behaviour.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Due to the level of art and technology the Etherine possessed, they are assumed to have been a fairly intelligent race, though any further characteristics are hard to determine. It is assumed that the Etherine were a highly warlike race, as most of their depictions involve war in one form or another.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Alas Hominem Ingentis
~200 (Assumed)
Average Height
3 meters
Average Weight