Ether Vin

19 points
Attribute Modifiers: DX+1 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Move +1 [5]; FP-2 [-6]; Will-1 [-5].
Advantages: Borrow Skill 1 [7]; Longevity [2]; Night Vision 1 [1]; Super Jump 1 (Small Wings) [9].
Disadvantages: Dependency (Brains, Monthly) [-5]; Extra Sleep 2 [-4]; Impulsiveness (15) [-5].
Perks: Racial Gifts (Psionics) [1]; Sanitized Metabolism [1].
Quirks: Chauvinistic [-1]; Responsive [-1].
Features: Small Wings

[1] Borrow Skill - As per GURPS - Psionics, pg. 57, at the lowest level.
[2] Racial Gifts (Psionics) - This allows the Ether Vin to have Borrow Skill, and also allows for them to purchase the Borrow Skill skill (and any related techniques), and the following Psionic perks: Avatar, Deep Study, I Know What You Mean, Synchronize, and Ping. You cannot purchase any other Psionic abilities, including Borrow Skill 2 or higher, and Psionic Talent.
[3] Small Wings - Treat this as Flight (Short Wings).

Basic Information


Ether Vin are smooth skinned humanoids characterized by a pair of short wings, particularly muscled legs, and a highly prominent iris. They typically have a tuft of hair growing from the top of the heads, as well as a small amount of body hair most of the rest of their bodies. The rest of their physical features are standard for humanoids.   A typical Ether Vin will reach just under six feet, with two short wings that do not extend past their body. These wings cannot be used for flight or gliding, and have rather evolved to become a secondary propulsion method, which combined with the Ether Vin's powerful legs, can propel them far into the air. Ether Vin notably pant to thermoregulate rather than sweat, as the Ether Zel do.   Ether Vin are notable for being the only race with a natural Psionic ability, with each having a very limited ability to share their experience with others temporarily. Particularly powerful Ether Vin can even send small telepathic messages to alert others. This is also notable as Ether Vin appear to be the only Telepathic Psionics, but have no ability to extend their powers past these very basic examples.   The main morphological distinctions between Ether Vin is the colour of their skin, which varies in shades of beige to black, and the colour of their eyes, which is typically bronze, blue, red, or black. Both genders have morphological differences in facial features, with males having more angular faces with longer ears, and females having more rounded faces and shorter ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ether Zel reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will gestate for 10 months, and give live birth. The child is practically helpless for two years, requiring milk from its mother to survive, and will require constant attention for another eight years, becoming self-sufficient at ten years. The child will typically remain with its family for an additional ten years before becoming independent.

Ecology and Habitats

Ether Vin can live in any climate with the proper clothing, but will primarily prefer cooler climates due to their lack of effective natural cooling. They will also prefer locations where they can use their natural jumping capabilities to maximal effect, making forests and jagged mountains their natural homes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ether Vin are mesocarnivores with a typical diet of three parts meat and two parts plant. Additionally, they have an unusual dependency on eating the brains of creatures, requiring at least two pounds every month. If an Ether Vin does not obtain this specialized diet, they begin to experience a loss of their Psionic powers and severe mental degradation, eventually leading to death.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ether Vin social structures are characterized by a strong implicit caste system with high mobility between castes, and a certain level of respect between the castes. Ether Vin values close friendships highly, and will form deep bonds with others, often freely sharing knowledge amongst each other for their mutual benefit. This can lead to a certain level of nepotism and elitism amongst the higher castes, but Ether Vin rarely consolidate power due to their natural impulsiveness.

Average Intelligence

Ether Vin have average intelligence for humanoids, but their natural psionic powers allow them to share knowledge quickly and efficiently. Small groups of Ether Vin can quickly create effective think tanks, and a lone Ether Vin can quickly absorb information from other humanoids to both inform themselves and help make decisions. This has led to Ether Vin being the main driving force behind technological development, though a certain level of impulsive behaviour has also led to a great deal of ill-equiped, overconfident Ether Vin dying in that same pursuit.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ether Vin have the typical sensor suite of humanoids, with a slight bias towards darkness due to an abnormally large iris. While lacking any actual telepathic sense, Ether Vin can borrow knowledge from other willing humanoids through touch, and some of the more powerful can use subconscious telepathy to more easily understand others without the use of language.
Ether Vin
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Terra Hominem Parvus
100 years
Average Height
Average Weight