
0 points
Advantages: Acute Smell 3 [6]; Blunt Claws [3]; Damage Resistance 1 (Tough Skin) [3]; Night Vision 2 [2]; Rapid Healing [5]; Sharp Teeth [1].
Disadvantages: Gregarious [-10]; Short Attention Span [-10].
Perks: Fur [1]; Penetrating Voice [1].
Quirks: Broad-Minded [-1]; Red-Green Colorblindness [-1];
Features: Born Biter 2.

Basic Information


Caninoids are furred humanoids characterized by large snouts and floppy ears. A typical Caninoid will reach just under six feet, with low body fat and tough skin covered by short fur. They are not particularly resilient, but tend to heal wounds quickly, leading to scars covering their bodies.   The primary morphological characteristics of Caninoids is the colour of their fur and their facial structures. Their fur is usually a patternless dull colour, with brown and grey being the most common shades, but caninoids with complex patterns and vivid coloration do exit. Unlike most other humanoids, caninoids have a wide variety of facial structures, which can vary drastically in size and shape, though the exaggerated snouts and floppy ears are a constant factor.

Genetics and Reproduction

Caninoids reproduce sexually, with a female and male partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will gestate for six months, and give live birth to a litter of two to five pups. The pups are helpless at birth, and require milk from their mother to survive the next six months, though they will not become self-sufficient for another two years. The pups become independent within ten years of birth.

Ecology and Habitats

Caninoids can live comfortably in any climate with the proper clothing, but prefer temperate climates with large, open fields and strong winds to leverage their sense of smell. However, caninoids are the most prolific city builders amongst the humanoid races due to their natural inclination to form massive societies.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Caninoids are omnivores, with a digestive preference for meats. They have a distinct preference for foods high in carbohydrates, with bread, cheese, and other starchy foods being common fare in their societies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Caninoid societies are characterized by strong societal bonds and liberal policy making. Laws are laxly enforced, preferring societal shaming as the primary method of punishment. Strong hierarchies emerge and disappear, entirely based on the complex friendships of those within the society, and leadership is typically an implicit democracy, where those with the most friends and least enemies will have their policies followed.

Average Intelligence

Caninoids have average intelligence for humanoids, but their lack of any measurable attention span, mixed with their love for socializing, has led to very little technological advancement within their societies. Their sociable nature has led to some necessary developments in civil engineering, and they are some of the best city builders and planners amongst the humanoid races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Caninoids have the typical sensor suite of humanoids, with their primary sense being their well-developed sense of smell. Caninoids also have surprisingly good night vision, but their eyes lack the ability to differentiate between red and green.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Mutagenesis Caninoid
70 years
Average Height
1.8 meters to feet
Average Weight