Cobalt Sun

The Cobalt Sun is the central authority across Vehasi for mages, wizards, bards, and those who study magic. All universities that teach any of the schools of magic must have direct communication with the Cobalt Sun, and high-ranking Cobalt Sun members often teach at such institutions. The Cobalt Sun is made up of a number of different branches, one for each school of magic, and each of these branches has an official board of that school underneath which any mage who wants to graduate from a university must register with.


The highest authority within the Cobalt Sun is the Circle of High Archmages, with nine members, one for each of the major schools of magic, and each the head of their own board of their type of magic. The Circle is responsible for overseeing each of their respective boards, and communicate any major issues their board is facing with the other High Archmages. The leader of the Circle is elected by majority vote of the other High Archmages (who are not permitted to abstain or vote for themselves, at risk of being removed from the Circle and replaced by the next-highest ranking of their board), and the current leader is Athlai Lealla, leader of the Board of Dunamancy and the youngest leader of the Cobalt Sun in history. The title for members of the Circle is "High Archmage [School] of the Circle", and this title precedes their name in formal introductions. The leader of the Circle is referred to as "Grand High Archmage [School] of the Circle", with the current leader being known as Grand High Archmage Dunamancer of the Circle Athlai Lealla. While the members of the boards do have large titles, and these titles are often used in formal introduction, even the board members themselves find them too clunky and will generally shorten them to either just their role (spellmaster, warmaster, etc) or their school (abjuration, transmutation, etc) for ease of speech.
There are nine main branches of the Cobalt Sun, each representing a school of magic. Each of these boards has 5 members, including the head of the board who is a member of the Circle. All decisions in a given board are made by a majority vote, meaning anything attempting to be passed needs 3 votes in its favour in order to do so. In order for any member of any of the boards to be removed from the board, or for a member of the Circle to be removed from the Circle, a unanimous vote is required between the rest of the members of that board or the Circle. Within a board, the highest-ranking member is known as the High Archmage of their school. The second-in-command in a board is known as the First Archmage of their school, and performs the duties of the High Archmage if the High Archmage is, for whatever reason, incapable of doing so. The other three members of the board have separate responsibilities, with one being the Spellmaster Archmage [School], one being the Warmaster Archmage [School], and one being the Inscriber Archmage [School]. The Spellmaster is responsible for reviewing and managing spells within their school, the Warmaster is responsible for regulation the applications of their school of magic within war and other interpersonal conflicts, and the Inscriber keeps track of the registered members of the school as well as keeping track of any legal documents relating to their board. If any of these three positions is opened for any reason, the rest of the board must choose via majority vote (with the High Mage of the board being the tiebreaker) a new member for their board. Members of any of the boards within the Cobalt Sun are not permitted to have ties to government organisations, on threat of removal from their board.

Board of Abjuration

The members of the Board of Abjuration are High Archmage Abjurer of the Circle Azeria, First Archmage Abjurer Daniel Tyrius, Spellmaster Archmage Abjurer Kragg Olgimel, Warmaster Archmage Abjurer Lucient Fyrefeather the Bright-Plumed, and Inscriber Archmage Abjurer Myriathrala Torvikelle.

Board of Conjuration

The members of the Board of Conjuration are High Archmage Conjurer of the Circle Snowpetal, First Archmage Conjurer Alandria Marie Greymoors, Spellmaster Archmage Conjurer Crow, Warmaster Archmage Conjurer Tara, and Inscriber Archmage Conjurer Beatrice Fezik.

Board of Divination

The members of the Board of Divination are High Archmage Diviner of the Circle Melody Nightsong, First Archmage Diviner Luckyfoot, Spellmaster Archmage Diviner Evianora Kalashta, Warmaster Archmage Diviner Lillian the Tiny, and Inscriber Archmage Diviner Hasdiel Aventel.

Board of Dunamancy

The members of the Board of Dunamancy are Grand High Archmage Dunamancer of the Circle Athlai Lealla, First Archmage Dunamancer Morrigan Anivėr, Spellmaster Archmage Dunamancer Edwin Bells, Warmaster Archmage Dunamancer Claniré the Wise, and Inscriber Archmage Dunamancer Dove.

Board of Enchantment

The members of the Board of Enchantment are High Archmage Enchanter of the Circle Azznik Ethoria, First Archmage Enchanter Lady Ymandala Orivan, Spellmaster Archmage Enchanter Ramona Thorneglade the Fair, Warmaster Archmage Enchanter Oberron Darkpetal, Ever-Silent-Sky, and Inscriber Archmage Enchanter Zakad of the Waylaid Capuchine, Maiden of Feathers.

Board of Evocation

The members of the Board of Evocation are High Archmage Evoker of the Circle Sage, First Archmage Evoker Cain Temple, Spellmaster Archmage Evoker Gidorf Greenflame, Warmaster Archmage Evoker Luthor Irongrip, and Inscriber Archmage Evoker Anní Silverhand.

Board of Illusion

The members of the Board of Illusion are High Archmage Illusionist of the Circle Olivia Greymantle, First Archmage Illusionist Mylara Falsefist, Spellmaster Archmage Illusionist Sir Edwin Almeraal, Warmaster Archmage Illusionist Kasikri, and Inscriber Archmage Illusionist Nobody.

Board of Necromancy

The members of the Board of Necromancy are High Archmage Necromancer of the Circle Galmeron, First Archmage Necromancer Clavicle the Great, Spellmaster Archmage Necromancer Countess Demacia Marie Evergolden the Third, Warmaster Archmage Necromancer Iriesse Vesperon, and Inscriber Archmage Necromancer Andrew Davis.

Board of Transmutation

The members of the Board of Transmutation are High Archmage Transmuter of the Circle Oritellian the Magnificent, First Archmage Transmuter Iphvrae Auvyrill, Spellmaster Archmage Transmuter Saibra the Ineffable, Warmaster Archmage Transmuter the Great Barrel, and Inscriber Archmage Transmuter Zak.

Articles under Cobalt Sun

Character flag image: Symbol of the Cobalt Sun by notahumanhand


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